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A Stony Indian once told me that in his country the main range of the Rocky Mountains there were two sorts of sheep, one small, dark in color, and with slender horns, which are seldom broken, and another sort larger and pale in color, with heavy, thick horns that are often broken at the point.

I had that desire myself when I was a boy of about fifteen, but my father succeeded in making me change my opinion on the subject, and without much argument, unless you can call an ox-team and a stony pasture an argument. I had been asking to stay at home from school for a long time. I said that I was too old to be sitting there with a lot of girls and some younger boys, and that I wanted to work.

And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: 6. Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: 6. And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. 7. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: 8.

"Arthur!" Severely, from Louise. "I advise you girls to economize in other ways and devote your resources to this business, which might pay you and might not," he continued, oblivious to stony glares. "Really, Mr. Jones," said Beth, pouting, "we were not joking, but in real earnest." "Have I questioned it, Miss De Graf?" "Mr.

The moment of shock had passed, and the fierce light in Steve's eyes had died out, leaving in its place a stony frigidity which gave the other a feeling of unutterable regret. He would have been thankful for some passionate outburst, some violent display. He felt it would have been more natural, and he would have known better how to deal with it. But there was none.

My husband continued to suffer for many weeks with the ague; and when he was convalescent, all the children, even the poor babe, were seized with it; nor did it leave us until late in the spring of 1835. My husband had long promised me a trip to Stony Lake, and in the summer of 1835, before the harvest commenced, he gave Mr.

To the north can be seen the points of three other table-topped hills; to the north-east is a large stony plain about ten miles broad, beyond which are high sand hills, and beyond them again, in the far distance, is the luminous appearance of water. Not being on the highest part of the range I proceeded two miles to the south-east to get a better view.

"On the night of last Fourth of July," he was saying "and I mind we came in that morning with a hundred and seventy-five barrels we got off Mount Desert that night I warn't very busy. I gets this crock four gallons let you all have a look a nice cold stony crock you see it is, and that they'd been using then in the house here for piccalilli and a fine flavor still hanging to it.

Henry, shaking himself violently to bring back his wandering faculties, concentrated them upon his present needs, which were still urgent. Crouching in the best shelter that the hanging cliff furnished, he rapidly whittled shavings from the dead wood, until he had formed a heap close to the stony wall.

I hope she is well and happy. I think you omitted to write to me last Christmas on the subject. The words swam uncertainly before Lancelot's eyes, but he got through them all at last. He felt chilled and numbed. He averted his face as he handed the letter back to Mary Ann's "missus." "What a fortunate girl!" he said in a low, stony voice. "Fortunate ain't the word for it. The mean, sly little cat.