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Living is dear in that neighborhood, and all my old projects had been overturned by the dissolution of my household arrangements at Montmorency, the establishment of others, the sale or squandering of my furniture, and the expenses incurred since my departure. The little capital which remained to me daily diminished.

The boy followed her while she gave her order. Then they went out into the blazing day together. "Nina isn't going to have more than a scalp a day," said her brother, fraternally. "Nina has a fortune!" the girl remarked, drily, opening her wide white parasol. But Ward was rapidly squandering an equal amount, and it was not impressive to him. "Lord, he could marry a girl with ten times that!

"Then, you would have me throw all my money into the coffers of the king!" cried Mazarin, ironically; and from whom, at the same time the gout forced painful moans. "Surely the king would reproach me with nothing, but he would laugh at me, while squandering my millions, and with good reason." "Your eminence has misunderstood me.

They are not troubled that their husbands are living in disobedience to God, squandering their time, talents, and money, and robbing the kingdom of Jesus Christ of what they might be doing for it; the agonizing consideration is, that, if religious, they would spend so much more time at home; that they are wasting the money, instead of laying it up for the children; and that, if they were religious, all this would be right.

This Count de S -tz was one of the most extravagant and profligate subjects that Russia had acquired by the partition of Poland. After squandering away his own patrimony, he had ruined his mother and two sisters, and subsisted now entirely by gambling and borrowing.

II. III. Laws Imposing Taxes IV. VI. The Equestrian Party II. XI. Squandering of the Spoil III. XI. Reform of the Centuries II. III. Powers of the Senate IV. II. Death of Gracchus, IV. III. Attack on The Transmarine Colonization. Downfall of Gracchus, IV. VI. Saturninus Assailed II. III. The Tribunate of the People As an Instrument of Government IV. VIII. Occupation of Cilicia III. IX. Armenia

It's not my fault we find ourselves here. I would like to see you, with two children, in a room where there's not even a stove to heat some water. When we arrived in Paris, instead of squandering your money, you should have made a home for us at once, as you promised." "Listen!" Lantier exploded. "You cracked the nut with me; it doesn't become you to sneer at it now!"

"There was gude and bad then, as now, gudeman." Mysie's face had a dour, determined look that no one had ever seen on it before. Andrew began to feel irritated at her. "What do you want, woman?" he said sternly. "I want my bairn, Andrew Cargill." "Your bairn is i' some far-awa country, squandering his share o' Paradise wi' publicans and sinners."

The resources of the kingdom were squandered entirely for Russian objects; and the people were oppressed to maintain a Polish and a Russian army. Peculation and pillage was the order of the day. The president of the town of Warsaw, with a salary of between 500l. and 600l. contrived to amass a fortune of 100,000l. in fifteen years, besides living in splendour and squandering twice his legal income.

Olsen made a motion with her hands, as if she were squandering something abroad, to right and left. Marie seldom went to parties, and if she did appear, in her at least ten-times-altered marriage dress, it was generally to sit alone in a corner, or to carry on a tedious conversation with a similarly situated housewife about the dearness of the times and the unreasonableness of servant-girls.