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"Hout, Master Marmaduke, if thou wert not ashamed of me, I should be ashamed to be seen with a gay springal like thee. Why, they would say in the Chepe that Nick Alwyn was going to ruin. No, no. Birds of a feather must keep shy of those that moult other colours; and so, my dear young master, this is my last shake of the hand. But hold: dost thou know thy way back?"

PHILEMON was used to confess how, in the fire of his callow youth and fine flower of his lustie springal days, he had been stung with murderous frenzie at view of a certaine picture of Apelles, the which in those times was showed in a temple.

I pray you, my good lusty springal lads, if you find any of these females, that are worth the pains of untying the codpiece-point, get up, ride upon them, and bring them to me; for, if they happen within the third month to conceive, the child should be heir to the deceased, if, before he died, he had no other children, and the mother shall pass for an honest woman.

"Art thou an Englishman or a Dane?" said the Etheling, bending over the dying ruffian in his anxiety to learn the whole truth. "What is that to thee?" "Much, if thou wouldst escape death." "Escape death! I cannot. Neither wilt thou escape Edric Streorn, and I shall not die unavenged. Ah! young springal, thou wilt not escape again. To think that thy puny hand should give Higbald his death blow!

I felt the Blight start at my side and sidewise I saw that her face was crimson. The Hon. Sam sat down, muttering, for he did not like Marston: "Wenchless springal!" Just then my attention was riveted on Mollie and little Buck.

"She has enchanted him with her glamour. Foul is fair! Foul fair thee, young springal, if thou go to the nets. Shadow and goblin to goblin and shadow! Flesh and blood to blood and flesh!" and dancing round him, with wanton looks and bare arms, and gossamer robes that brushed him as they circled, they chanted,

"She has enchanted him with her glamour. Foul is fair! Foul fair thee, young springal, if thou go to the nets. Shadow and goblin to goblin and shadow! Flesh and blood to blood and flesh!" and dancing round him, with wanton looks and bare arms, and gossamer robes that brushed him as they circled, they chanted,

Now the foreigners defending were professionals who had graduated in all the arts of town and castle taking. These met the successes of their antagonists with derision. "Apprentices," they would say, "nothing but apprentices."... "See those fellows by the big springal there turning the winch the wrong way!" ... "The turbaned sons of Satan! Have they no eyes? I'll give them a lesson. Look!"

Brice told them you were coming; the English have a veneration for him," said Sweyn, bitterly. They both laughed a bitter laugh, for both had suffered by the massacre in the persons of kinsfolks. "But is this young springal thy long-lost son? he is like thee, even as a tame falcon is like, and yet unlike, the free wild bird." "He is my son;" and Anlaf introduced Alfgar.

"If you agree to do this battle, I will grant you knighthood." "It is that, and that alone, brings me here," answered Tristram. Then the king knighted him, and at once sent word to Sir Marhaus that he had a champion ready to do battle with him to the uttermost. "That may well be," answered Marhaus, "but I fight not with every springal.