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As the name denotes, the stem of this erect-growing, somewhat slender species has five very prominent sharp-edged ridges, along which are little clusters of small spines about ½ in. apart; the stem is 1 in. in diameter, and the angles are wavy.

They appear to have the same peculiar provision for enabling them to bear long periods of drought without suffering that characterises the more familiar forms of Cactuses. The development of the spines in this genus is different from what takes place in all other spiny plants of this order.

Stem pear-shaped, 3 in. wide, the top slightly depressed. Tubercles conical, ¼ in. long, their bases set in a cushion of white wool, their tips bearing tiny tufts of wool, and four small spines, which fall away on the tubercles becoming ripe, leaving two short, diverging, central spines. Flowers small, not ornamental, and scantily developed near the outside of the top.

But the way in which they usually diverge just over and in front of the eye has suggested the more probable idea, that they serve to guard these organs from thorns and spines, while hunting for fallen fruits among the tangled thickets of rattans and other spiny plants. Even this, however, is not satisfactory, for the female, who must seek her food in the same way, does not possess them.

The spines of this great system were always the railway lines, which were guarded on either side, and down which, as down a road, went flocks, herds, pedestrians, and everything which wished to travel in safety. From these long central cords the lines branched out to right and left, cutting up the great country into manageable districts.

No doubt it attains maturity by the same series of moults as the others, and its life history is quite similar. The full-fed caterpillars spin among the leaves on the ground, and with their spines in mind, I would much prefer finding a cocoon, and producing a moth from that stage of its evolution.

The thing was marvellous to see, it was like the charge of a leopard, so swift was the rush and so lightning-like were the strokes or rather the pecks of that flashing axe, for now he was tapping at their heads or spines with the gouge-like point upon its back. Nor were these the only victims, for those brave followers of his also did their part.

In that case he strikes quick blows with his whiplike tail, the jagged spines of which make very dangerous wounds, apt to produce lockjaw. After much difficulty our boatman got the ray alongside the boat with his gaff-hook, and gave it a few deep cuts in the region of the heart with a large knife.

These differ only slightly either in the length or thickness of the stems or in the colour of the spines. All of them may be grown in a cold frame, or in a window where the sun can shine upon them; or they may be grown along with tropical kinds. For small cases in windows, these little Thimble Cactuses are amongst the most suitable.

In this kind the spines fall from the old tubercles, which are persistent, gradually hardening to a cork-like substance. The flowers are produced in the apex of the stem, and are 1 in. long and wide, daisy-like, pale purple in colour; they are succeeded by red, oval berries, which are as pretty as the flowers. About five flowers are developed on each stem annually May and June.