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Updated: July 31, 2024

"I'm sure you can get along without us, miss, much better than we could get along without you." Mademoiselle considered this a flirtatious speach and walked out of the shop. But I consider that it was a General Remark and not personal, and anyhow he was thirty at least, and had a married apearance.

But when he said to me, "Gee, Bab, you're geting to be a regular Person," and made no such remark to Jane, I felt that it was rather pointed. Also, on walking up the Avenue, he certainly walked nearer me than Jane. I beleive she felt it, to, for she made a sharp speach or to about his Youth, and what he meant to do when he got big.

Pricilla cant belong because he is a demicrat. Aug. 26. father called me and Beany out behind the barn tonite and gave us 10 cents apeace if we woodent say anything about his speach. after supper father practised again but he dident holler so loud becaus he was afraid some body wood hear him and mother dident want him to wake up the baby, and it was sunday too.

Ben Butler and Jake Ely and lots of old pelters are going to be here, and they is going to be 4 or 5 bands and lots of fun. well before that comes they is going to be lots of political meetings and the first one is to be next week, and father is going to make a speach.

Being arriued againe in England, and hauing seene the wickednes of that age, he gaue out this speach. He died at Leege, in the yeere 1311. the 17. day of Nouember, being there buried in the Abbie of the Order of the Guilielmites. The Tombe and Epitaph of Sir Iohn Mandeuil, in the citie of Leege, spoken of by Ortelius, in his booke called Itinerarium Belgiae, in this sort.

"You are a very sharp-tongued little girl," mother said, looking up at me. I am two inches taller than she is. "Unless you learn to curb yourself, there will be no parties for you, and no party dresses." This was the speach that broke the Camel's back. I could endure no more. "I think," I said, "that I shall get married and end everything."

Durion the Sieux enterpreter, we examined the instructions of those interpreters and found that Gravelin was ordered to the Ricaras with a Speach from the president of the U. States to that nation and some presents which had been given the Ricara Cheif who had visited the U. States and unfortunately died at the City of Washington, he was instructed to teach the Ricaras agriculture & make every enquirey after Capt Lewis my self and the party Mr.

These preachers be for the most part eloquent, and apt to drawe with their speach the mindes of their hearers. Whereunto they adde other subtleties, as in going grauitie, in countenance, apparell, and in all outward shew, comelinesse.

i wonder if his head aked really so he coodent make a speach or if he was scart. i bet he was scart. school commences monday. father hasent asked once about my diry, so i aint going to wright enny more.

The Sentry reports Mr. Schmidt and the dogs coming over the fense. EVENING. Doctor Connor is here again. He is taking Sis to a meeting where he is to make a Speach. I ofered to go along, but they did not apear to hear me, and perhaps it is as well, for I must watch William, as Henry is taking them in the car.

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