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Then men threw sofa-cushions at him and told him to go to any particular place he might believe in. They christened him the "Blastoderm" he said he came from a family of that name somewhere, in the pre-historic ages and, by insult and laughter, strove to choke him dumb, for he was an unmitigated nuisance at the Club; besides being an offence to the older men.

Ellison's notion of the kind of husband who was to realize for Kitty her fancy for life in an old country; but she was content to let the matter rest for the present, and, in a serene thankfulness to the power that had brought two marriageable young creatures together beneath the same roof, and under her own observance, she composed herself among the sofa-cushions, from which she meant to conduct the campaign against Mr.

"Philip! Oh, Philip!" cried the children. And Philip it was; naughty Philip, who had dressed himself up that wet afternoon to pretend that he was the foreign gentleman from the Grange; and, indeed, he had taken them all in finely. "Oh, Philip! Philip! Why didn't I guess who you were?" cried Mary, as her brother leant back laughing against the sofa-cushions.

Robbie was mad the last time she was down here; she got to throwing sofa-cushions, and upset a vase." "Isn't that supposed to be good form?" asked Montague. "Not at Robbie's," said she. "Have you had a chance to talk with Robbie yet? You'll like him he's serious, like you." "What's he serious about?" "About spending his money," said Betty. "That's the only thing he has to be serious about."

Jill buried her face in the sofa-cushions and gave way to unrestrained merriment. Jonah laughed openly. I set my teeth and tried not to smile. For an instant the corners of Daphne's mouth twitched. Then: "Wretched ass," she said. "The truth is," said her husband, "you don't know literature when you see it. Now that letter " "I suppose I shall have to write to the man," said I.

She conducted me up the staircase and into the most exquisite bedroom I have ever dreamed of in my life. It is white, and panelled, and full of really old and beautiful French furniture. Everything is in keeping, even to the locks on the doors and the bell-ropes. How grandmamma would have appreciated this! And the fineness of the linen, and the softness of the pillows and sofa-cushions!

At length she stopped before a small window wedged between two mammoth buildings, and displaying, behind its shining plate-glass festooned with muslin, a varied assortment of sofa-cushions, tea-cloths, pen-wipers, painted calendars and other specimens of feminine industry.

Still, why moan over the dampness? It makes the hills look like great green plush sofa-cushions and the avenues like mossy caves. I have read till my eyes are crossed and I have written to every human I know. I have watched the giggling little maids patter up to a two-inch shrine and, flinging a word or two to Buddha, use the rest of their time to gossip.

They flapped newspapers, flung sofa-cushions; they offered to stand by her side with fly-whisks, that she might be free to write. But the struggle was too exciting for her, and the flying insects seemed to increase. Moths of every description large brown moths, small, delicate white millers whirled about her, while the irritating hum of the mosquito kept on more than ever. Mr.

They are at home when we return the visits sometimes, too, and this kind of thing happens: our gorgeous prune-and-scarlet footman condescendingly walks up their paths and thumps loudly at their well-cleaned brass knocker, and presses their electric bell. They seem always to be papered with buff-and-mustard papers and to have "pongee" sofa-cushions with frills.