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And, although I saw no buildings, except a few on entering, which could have been more than fifty years old, there are even in Ashton streets in which the cottages are getting bad, where the bricks in the house-corners are no longer firm but shift about, in which the walls have cracks and will not hold the chalk whitewash inside; streets, whose dirty, smoke-begrimed aspect is nowise different from that of the other towns of the district, except that in Ashton, this is the exception, not the rule.

From the shore we went up into the town, which is handsome, and of a cheerful aspect, with streets generally wide and well paved, a cleanly town, not smoke-begrimed. The houses, if not modern, are, at least with few exceptions, new fronted.

We moderns of evolutionary smattering have our own ideas of how cave men dwelt; and we don't want those ideas disturbed. The cave men ask Jack London if you don't believe it were hairy monsters, not quite tailless, just cotton-tail-rabbity in their caudal appendage hairy monsters, who munched raw beef and dragged women by the hair of the head to pitch-black, dark as night, smoke-begrimed caves.

When they had been seated for a few moments, Michael said: "It's a far cry to the Valley, and the little wooden hut, and the tombs of the Pharaohs, Meg." Meg's eyes swept the garden-square; the laburnum-tree was shedding flakes of gold from its long tassels; they were falling like yellow rain in the spring breeze. "Very, very far," she said as her eyes pointed to the smoke-begrimed tombstones.

While the men were getting ready, Mr Auberly, muffled in a long cloak, stepped from the crowd and touched Frank, the tall fireman, on the shoulder. "Sir," said he in a low voice, "you saved my child. I would show my sense of gratitude. Will you accept of this purse?" Frank shook his head and a smile played on his smoke-begrimed countenance as he said: "No, Mr Auberly.

Every day the factory whistle bellowed forth its shrill, roaring, trembling noises into the smoke-begrimed and greasy atmosphere of the workingmen's suburb; and obedient to the summons of the power of steam, people poured out of little gray houses into the street. With somber faces they hastened forward like frightened roaches, their muscles stiff from insufficient sleep.

On entering, the very first cottages are narrow, smoke-begrimed, old and ruinous; and as the first houses, so the whole town.

In the heart of the City, but fended off from the roar and rattle of traffic by a ring of shops, and under the shadow of a smoke-begrimed classical church, stands or rather stood, for they have removed it recently the large public school of St. Peter's.

The fireplace and chimney, which was also inside the cabin, were made of clay and occupied the corner of the uninviting apartment. Near the fire stood a smoke-begrimed frying pan in which there was a piece of black meat of some kind. On the dirty clay hearth was a tin basin, in which were a few ounces of soiled looking meal or flour. "The man's paralyzed," remarked Norman in an undertone.

Paved streets, stone sidewalks, smoke-begrimed houses, signs reading, "Keep Off the Grass", prying policemen, and zealous ash-box inspectors are insulting things to greet the gaze of the little immigrants fresh from God. Small wonder is it, as they grow up, that they take to drink and drugs, seeking in these a respite from the rattle of wheels and the never-ending cramp of unkind condition.