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Krook's was that day. His watchfulness of my guardian was incessant. He rarely removed his eyes from his face. If he went on beside him, he observed him with the slyness of an old white fox. If he went before, he looked back.

He had seen young Jack once, and then his fears were so excited that they obtained a complete mastery over his cooler judgment. He took him for his own apparition. Joe Basalt and Jack Tiller felt unhappy. They had long learnt to repent of their slyness in concealing the stowaway on board the "Westward Ho!"

She will try and push him over the edge of a precipice when nobody is looking. Before you she will call him 'dear Paul, and all the rest of it." "That looks to me more like the cunning of a murderess than the slyness of a maniac," I said. "Most murderers are only maniacs, mad people," answered the professor.

And as he pared the fruit, in spite of his sister's "O fie, Monkbarns!" and the prolonged cough of the minister, accompanied by a shake of his huge wig, the Antiquary proceeded to detail the intrigue which had given rise to the fame of the abbot's apple with more slyness and circumstantiality than was at all necessary.

'A clergyman, whom he characterised as one who loved to say little oddities, was affecting one day, at a Bishop's table, a sort of slyness and freedom not in character, and repeated, as if part of The Old Man's Wish, a song by Dr. Walter Pope, a verse bordering on licentiousness.

More likely though, it's a parting-of-the-ways. I shouldn't be surprised if the Doctor meant something sly by putting these two books in my hand. Somehow, the old gentleman has an amazing sly look a sort of wild slyness about him, seems to me. His wisdom seems a sort of sly, too. But all in honor, though.

She certainly did not intend to be a marked exception to a rule that was apparently very general. If people were going to talk about her exclusion of Miss Schley, she would certainly not exclude her. She asked herself why she wished to, and said to herself that Miss Schley's slyness bored her.

Whether I had insanity or sorrow to deal with, I could not gainsay the unhappy man, and I only said what I really felt: "Yes, the place seems strangely full of her. I wish you would tell me about her." He asked, with a certain slyness, "Have you heard anything about her already? At the club? From that fool woman in the kitchen?" "For heaven's sake, no, Alderling!" "Or about me?"

But the harmless young man is a regular Jesuit at a private inquiry, with this great advantage over all the Popish priests I have ever seen, that he has not got his slyness written in his face. "Having to get his information through the female servants in the usual way, he addressed himself, with admirable discretion, to the ugliest woman in the house.

There were ruddy, brown-faced, broad-girthed Spanish onions, shining in the fatness of their growth like Spanish friars; and winking from their shelves in wanton slyness at the girls as they went by, and glanced demurely at the hung-up mistletoe.