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A fact of immense significance surely, could she but grasp the full, the inner meaning of it and one which entered vitally into the matter of "beginning again." Therefore, so she argued, the proposed simplifying, broadening, democratizing of her outlook must cover amongst how much else! the whole astonishing business of "feeling in that way." She shrank from the conclusion as unwelcome.

This is simple logic, but oddly enough the ordinary process starts with a cheapening of the manufacturing instead of with a simplifying of the article. The start ought to be with the article. First we ought to find whether it is as well made as it should be does it give the best possible service? Then are the materials the best or merely the most expensive?

It is true that they are entirely selfish; it is NOT true that they represent evil, pure and simple. The trust is a necessary development in humanity's journey toward organization, concentration and the simplifying of industry. The first locomotive ever built was a trust. It performed the work of a thousand four-horse teams, deprived four thousand horses and a thousand drivers of a livelihood.

Some conversation followed, in which it was suggested that he should have given the preference to the alternative as a means of simplifying the organization and increasing the efficiency of the army, and it is a singular coincidence at least, that this suggestion was partly carried into effect, with most excellent results, by the relief of both Butler and Burnside, shortly afterwards, from the command of troops in that theatre of operations.

Only bread and the newspaper we must have, whatever else we do without. How this war is simplifying our mode of being! We live on our emotions, as the sick man is said in the common speech to be nourished by his fever. Our ordinary mental food has become distasteful, and what would have been intellectual luxuries at other times, are now absolutely repulsive.

Even now, when America has assumed the duty of financing a large number of Allies impoverished by three years of war which have been enriching her, she is still simplifying the problem by restricting her advances to the payment for goods bought in America.

The railroad trust is simply an extension of the concentration of labor, the simplifying of industrial operation, represented in the building of the first locomotive. They will destroy the mean competition which for centuries has made liars, swindlers and slavedrivers of men.

The Postmaster-General has also opened a correspondence through the Department of State with foreign governments proposing a convention of postal representatives for the purpose of simplifying the rates of foreign postage and to expedite the foreign mails.

Buddhism explained the whole visible world by its doctrine of Karma, simplifying that doctrine so as to adapt it to popular comprehension. The forms of all creatures, bird, reptile, or mammal; insect or fish, represented only different results of Karma: the ghostly life in each was one and the same; and, in even the lowest, some spark of the divine existed.

It will thus be exhibited in the inexhaustible variety of its manifestations which the abstract and simplifying process of analysis does not permit us to suspect. I shall not dwell at length on the imagination of animals, not only because the question is much involved but also because it is hardly liable to a positive solution.