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She got close enough, so she seemed to me, to read our Morse electric signals." "Suppose you had a powerful search light on the Titanic, could you not have thrown a beam on the vessel and have compelled her attention?" "We might." H. J. Pitman, the third officer of the ship, was the first witness on April 23d.

With all sail set, he careened on his inconsiderate way, and the vessels whose side he sought were never those bearing the signals of distress. Mr. Hiram Orme had a high contempt for all working men, and a keen suspicion of every attitude which smacked of liberty. The working man, like the negro, was happier far in a state of semi-slavery such was the honest view of the honest man.

There was something so childlike and simple in the few questions asked by this stranger, touching his business, that the operator spent some time to explain. When the mystery of signals and telegraphs was unfolded, the stranger had one more question to ask. "How long might a vessel be absent before they would give up expecting her?" The operator couldn't tell; it would depend on circumstances.

They are very brilliant, going up for a few seconds and then dying down. Sometimes a dozen are in the air at one time. There are the dull thuds of explosions and an occasional rat-tat-tat. I have seen nothing like it, but the nearest comparison would be an enormous ten-mile railway station in full swing at night, with signals winking, lamps waving, engines hissing and carriages bumping.

A current then flows into the line and traverses the receiver R' at the distant station, returning or seeming to return to the sending battery by way of the earth plate E' on the right and the intermediate ground. The duration of the current is at the will of the operator who works the sending-key, and it is plain that signals can be made by currents of various lengths.

My old Christmas friends on Bundooro seemed to be up and moving when I came the second time by their cape, and we exchanged signals again, while the sloop sailed along as before in a smooth sea and close to the shore. The harbor from the heads to Parramatta, up the river, was more than ever alive with boats and yachts of every class.

Suddenly the watch signalled a disabled vessel; the crew looked in the direction signalled, and every one, officers and sailors, clearly perceived a raft covered with men towed by boats which were displaying signals of distress. Yet this was nothing more than a collective hallucination. Admiral Desfosses lowered a boat to go to the rescue of the wrecked sailors.

Billy Heckler started to shake his head, but Mart, getting behind Dick, made vigorous signals. "We-ell, I suppose I can do it," agreed Heckler at last. "There's nothing in the job, but I can remember that I used to be a boy myself. We'll call it a deal, then, shall we?" "I'll have to see the other fellows first," Prescott answered. "I'll hustle, though.

Even at that dreadful moment he felt the importance of destroying the signals which he carried in his pocket; but in his dying agony, he took out his commission in mistake, and expired in the act of devouring it; a trait of devoted heroism never surpassed by any officer of any nation.

The Bacchus was sent in to reconnoitre and did not return, although signals of recall were repeated throughout the night. About midnight signals were noticed passing between the fort at Puerto Cabello and the guardacostas; Captain Lewis beat to quarters, and kept his men at their guns until morning.