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"There he goes again," said Robinson, "with 'is bloomin' infants," and later he asked the signaler the meaning of "mes braves" that was so often in the captain's mouth. "'Ear that," he said to the other Towers when the signaler explained it meant "my braves." "Bloomin' braves he's calling his battery now. Infants was bad enough, but 'braves' is about the limit.

Almost immediately the "tink-tink" of the bell of the signaler to the engine-room told that the ship was headed after another whale. The sea was rising and the wind was beginning to whistle through the rigging. Colin felt well satisfied that the canvas was stowed and that he would not have to go aloft during the night.

Presently he had the pleasure of expressing his mind more freely to a French signaler of artillery who was on duty at an observing post in this forward fire trench.

"Just then Bombardier Cassell cut in on the wire: "'General's compliments to Captain A . He directs that officer and signaler report at the double to Brigade Headquarters as soon as relieved. Relief is now on the way. "In an undertone to me, 'Keep a brass front, Wilson, and for God's sake, stick. I answered with, 'Rely on me, mate, but I was trembling all over.

Near his own lines he came up with the circling "Frenchman" and received his thanks four fingers extended in the air before the signaler, taking a route within the lines, streaked for home. "Phew!" said Tam, shaking his head. "Who were you chasing?" asked Blackie. "He can go!" "Yon's MacMuller," said Tam, jerking his thumb at the eastern sky.

And far off on either side of this flotilla of three, and before it and behind it, was a sprightly little destroyer, moving this way and that, like a dog jumping about his master. Upon the nearest vessel a naval signaler was semaphoring to the Montauk his movements jerky, clean-cut, perfect. Enviously Tom watched him, thinking of his own semaphore work at Temple Camp.

The captain called for high explosive, and the signaler shouted on the order. "Exploseef," repeated 'Enery Irving, again airing his French. "That's high explosive." "Garsong, twopennorth of exploseef soup," chanted Robinson. Then the order was sent down for rapid fire, and a moment later the battery burst out in running quadruple reports, and the shells streamed whistling overhead.

The men had to shout now to make themselves heard to each other above the constant clatter of the maxim and the roar of rifle fire. By now they could hear, too, shouts and cries and the trampling rush of many footsteps. The signaler spoke into his instrument again. "I think the line's fallen back," he said.

"'Ere, chum," said Robinson, "you 'aven't put your tuppence in the slot," and 'Enery Irving in a falsetto imitation of a telephone girl's metallic voice drawled: "Put two pennies in, please, and turn the handle after each one two thank you! You're through." The signaler revolved the handle again. "You're mistook, 'Enery," said Robinson, "'e ain't through.

"Queer crowd!" said Flannigan. "What with infants for soldiers and a waiter for a signaler, and a butcher or a baker or candlestick-maker for a President, as I'm told they have, they're a rum crush altogether." The captain ascended to his place again. A German shell, soaring over, burst with a loud crump behind the trench. The French signaler laughed and waved derisively towards the shell.