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"It's real milk, Hammy, not condensed," the soft voice pleaded. He shook his head again, and knit his childish brows. "I saided it wasn't no use. My tummy just shuts." "I think I would not bother him any more just now," Saxham interposed, noting the droop of the piteous, flaccid mouth, and feeling the flutter of the uneven pulse. The Mayor's wife broke into helpless sobbing.

Winocewus, an' Lion, an' Tawantula, an' Tsetse, an' Black Bee just like a weal Bee, only not so sharp at ve end.... Don't you wemember, Mister Colonel?" "Of course I remember. The toy beasts I brought down from Rhodesia and gave to a little boy." "I was the boy. And you saided I was to let Berta have her share wof dem. And I did let her play wif all ve ovvers.

The round-eyed girl tugged at the boy's sailor jumper, whispering: "I saided he wouldn't know you!" "I fought he would. Because Mummy said he wemembered our names ve uvver night at ve Hotel ... when he promised ... about ve animals from Wodesia ... all made of mud, an' feavers, and bits of fur ..."

It came fairly fluently, considering the witness's recent acquisition of the English language. "He doos know Mrs. Picture, ass he doos, and he saided Mrs. Picture to Micky, ass he did." This was plenty for a time, and during that time the witness could go on nodding with her eyes wide open, to present the subject lapsing, for she had found out already how slippery grown-up people are in argument.

Then Uncle Mo sat down in his own chair to recover breath, saying in the course of a moment: "And what did the man say to Dave, and what did he say to young Sparrowgrass?" He did not suppose that "the man" was a person capable of identification; he was an unknown unit, but good to talk about. "He saided Mrs. Picture."

But this stopped the nodding, which changed suddenly to a negative shake, of great decision. "The man never saided nuffint to Dave, no he didn't." "Thought you said he did. You're a good 'un for a witness-box! Come up and sit on your old uncle. The man said Mrs. Picture to young Sparrowgrass was that it?" Dolly nodded violently. "And young Sparrowgrass he passed it on to Dave?"

"And there was a man saided fings to Micky, and saided fings to Dave, and saided fings to...." Here Dolly stuttered, became confused, and ended up weakly: "No, he didn't saided no fings, to no one else." A little finesse was necessary to land the elixir vitae on the parlour chimney-piece, and Dolly on the hearthrug.