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Such a one-man power could not have been a healthful influence in the Republic, even though exercised under the general supervision of an interstate commission. Do we desire to make such ruthless combinations and monopolies lawful?

It reminds me of a Belgian hare, and I do not like them, potted or caged." "I might as well be one," she broke out, "as well be one, caged here as we are, and insulted by a a " "A ruthless buccaneer " "Yes, a ruthless buccaneer, who has remembered only brutalities." "And forgotten all amenities? Why, Helena, how could you!

Even after the secret service was built up it took many months of hard work and several thousand government men to uncover and stamp out their organizations and their ruthless plots. The slimy tracks of the German ambassador at Washington had to be followed through devious underground channels that no one had suspected.

She desired a man of strength for her partner, a man who could make himself of some account in the world which was theirs. No, she did not want Scipio. He was useless in the scheme of life, and she did not wish to have to "mother" her husband. Far rather would she be the slave of a man whose ruthless domination extended even to herself.

He was very ruthless, and yet he was not without pity. He dominated me without difficulty. A heartless man could not have done so. Even to fools he was not utterly merciless. He could be indignant, but he was too great for flouts and jeers. What he said was not meant for the crowd; it could not be; and I was flattered to find myself among the elect.

But were the world impeccable it would behave more generously. The world is ruthless, dear friends, because the world is hypocrite! The world cannot afford to be magnanimous, or even just.

This marriage took place during the wars of the second Fronde, and at an epoch when a rage for duelling, the anarchical and ruthless effect of Frenchmen's ideas touching the "point of honour," had infused a new element into the spirit of party, and had become a veritable mania.

Their eyes said not that they had been disillusioned, but rather that they had never had illusions. They admitted the facts; they admitted everything economic dependence, chicane, the intention to seize every advantage, ruthless egotism.

Will Tristan defraud her, defraud Isolde of this single infinitely-short last earthly joy? The wound, where? Let me heal it, that we may have the joyous night together!... Oh, do not die of the wound! Let the light of life go out for us clasped together!... Too late! Too late!... Hard-hearted!... Do you punish me so with ruthless sentence?

There is no more intelligent stock in America, nor stock that is more conceited, more narrow, more obstinate, nor more ruthless. And the farther a New Englander gets from religion, the more brutal his virtues become. If you take me into Lost Chief, you are going to start a depth of strife of which we cannot foresee the end." "I hadn't thought of that," said Douglas.