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The year I was in that neighborhood, the settlement with his under-tenants was something above 3,53,000 rupees. The inhabitants of the country objected to it. They assembled in a body of about five thousand, and were proceeding to Calcutta to make known their grievances to the Committee of Revenue.

But Abdul, having heard no guns for nearly an hour and a half, was inclined to be very brave, and said that without doubt they should all get safely to Allahabad; and there, when the memsahib was better, they would find the captain-sahib again, and he would give them many rupees backsheesh for being faithful to her.

"He always brings a big train of Bhuttias with him, eighty swordsmen as an escort to the small army of coolies necessary to carry a hundred thousand silver rupees in boxes over the Himalayan passes. I like to give them the flesh of a few sambhur stags as a treat," said the Colonel. "Hiven hilp ye av ye bring any sambhur flesh to the Mess, Wargrave," said Burke.

"After much talk in favour of widow-marriage, the Brahman, taking ten rupees from the Babu for the repairs of the Tote, went his way. On the following day Sharbabhoum Thakur replied on the same subject. I had some golden bracelets made for his daughter's wedding. No one else was in favour of widow-marriage. "I have taken up much time in wearying you with my sorrows.

In the case of rich people, the burning of the body sometimes costs more than a thousand rupees; the most costly wood, such as rose and sandal wood, being employed for that purpose. Besides this, a Brahmin, music, and female mourners, are necessary parts of the ceremony. After the body has been burnt, the bones are collected, laid in a vase, and thrown into the Ganges, or some other holy river.

She stopped to count the money before she turned two rupees and eight annas. It did not seem a very adequate reward for the service he had rendered her. With this thought in her mind she slowly turned. "This is all I have with me " she began to say, and broke off with the words half-uttered. She was addressing empty air! The snake-charmer had vanished! She stood staring blankly.

One night, returning from a "sing-song," as he reached the bottom of the outer stairs, he was startled by a voice from the pitch dark space beneath the house a voice which said in a husky whisper: "Is that you, Joe? Joe, for God's sake stop and give me a couple of rupees." "It's not Roscoe," said Shafto, striking a match; "who are you?"

It may not be without interest, as illustrating the liberality with which soldiers in those days were treated, to mention that, besides the official thanks of the British Government, Rasul Khan received a robe of honour, a gun, a brace of pistols, and five hundred rupees, each havildar and naik fifty rupees, and each sepoy, including the "prisoners," eleven rupees.

I would willingly give much more, but it might cause suspicion and enquiry, were he to extend his holding largely; and the authorities of Jooneer might demand from him how he became possessed of such means. As I told you, I have received much money in presents, and could afford to give you very much more, if it were of any advantage to you. "I shall give a thousand rupees also to you, Sufder.

Again a commission is about to sit on the heights of Simla. The commissioners will enjoy feasts and dances and drink brandy which will cost poor natives lakhs of rupees, and afterwards they will devise means to develop the trade in quinine or other drugs.