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Updated: August 28, 2024

She says she never hear of roastin' a ox whole in a pit in her life; she says how is the ox to be got into the pit an' what's to cook him while he's in there an' when he's cooked how's he to be got out again to eat? She says she thinks Elijah has got a ox an' a clam mixed in his mind, an' a pit an' a pile.

"You'll not be roastin' by the stove no more this summer," observed Pat. The widow came out. She looked at the rough roof supported by the four scantlings, and then at her boys. "Sure, 'tis a nice, airy kitchen, so it is," she said. "And as for the surprise, 'tis jist the koind of a wan your father was always thinkin' up. As you say, I'll not be roastin' no more.

A litter as clean an' sweet as daisies in new-mown hay, an' now's the time for ye to look at 'em, Passon, an' choose yer own suckin' beast for bilin' or roastin' which ye please, for both's as good as t'other, an' there ain't no man about 'ere what desarves a sweet suckin' pig more'n you do, an' that I say an' swear to.

Likely 's not he'd been runnin' yet if I hadn't collared him. "O' course they was glad at last t' get some venison leastways youse'd think so t' see them stuffin' theirselves with it but they never let up a minute round camp roastin' brother 'n' me for not runnin' them a buck; swore that we hadn't run 'em any was proved by my gettin' nothin' but th' doe. "Finally, they up 'n' wants a still-hunt!

'Comm' up from roastin' somebody at that damned crematory place, was his explanation to his companion. Frank had a long and animated account from Maude of the extraordinary visitor whom she had entertained. 'It's such a pity, dear, that you don't know her well, for I should really like to hear every detail about her.

"They haven't treated us overly well," remarked Joe Blunt, as they strode through the underwood. "Non, de rascale, vraiment, de am villains. Oui! How de have talk, too, 'bout oh-o-oo-ooo-wah! roastin' us alive, an' puttin' our scalp in de vigvam for de poo-poose to play wid!"

I don't see no use in over-indulgin' a child. An' when he knowed the doctor was gone, he come out an' finished roastin' his apple by the fire thess what was left of it 'round the co'e. Well, sir, we was mightily comforted by the doctor's visit, but nex' mornin' things looked purty gloomy ag'in.

If you don't, I'll tell Dr McTougall that you gave me an' the old lady a full, true, an' partikler account o' the whole affair, from the fust bustin' out o' the flames, an' the calling o' the ingines, to the last crash o' the fallin' roof, and the roastin' alive of the 'ousehold cat. I will, as sure as you're a six-foot flunkey!"

'Tis a blistherin', sizzlin', roastin', wilderness av sand an' cactus, fit for nothin' but thim side- winders, horn'-toads, heely-monsters an' all their poisonous relations, includin' yersilf."

She says she's gaun straight to heaven by special invitation o' the Lord, leavin' a' her blood relations howlin' vainly after her from their roastin' fires down below. Ma certes! she'll give ye a good rousin' curse if ye like!

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