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Updated: August 9, 2024

I'll go, sur, indeed I will; but, sur, if Captain Raphael Ristofalah wor here, sur, he'd be ad the front, sur, and Kate Ristofalah would be at his galliant side!" "Well, then, I'm glad he's not here," rejoined Richling, "for I'd have to take care of the children." "Ha! ha! ha!" laughed Kate. "No, sur! I'd take the lion's whelps with me, sur!

Ristofalah nivver goes into peticklers, an' so I har'ly know anny more than jist she's a-comin'. Come, git in an' tell me about Mrs. Richlin' that is, if ye like the subject and I don't believe ye do." She lifted her finger, shook it roguishly close to her own face, and looked at him sidewise. "Ah, nivver mind, sur! that's rright!

Richlin'; and I'm sure ye'll be glad a heap gladder nor I am that in that case he's to be Captain Ristofalah." "Indeed!" "Yes, sur." The wife laid her palm against her floating ribs and breathed a sigh. "I don't like ud, Mr. Richlin'. No, sur. I don't like tytles." She got her fan from under her handkerchief and set it a-going. "I nivver liked the idee of bein' a tytled man's wife. No, sur."

And still she went up and down, enlarging, diminishing, heaving her breath and waving her chin around, and saying, in broken utterances, while a hackman on her right held his whip in her auditor's face, crying, "Carriage, sir? Carriage, sir?" "Why didn' he rin agin a man, sur! I I oh! I wish Mr. Ristofalah war heer! to teach um how to walk! Yer frind, sur ixposing me!"

Richlin'," replied Kate, lifting her head proudly as she returned with him toward the gate, "it's outrageouz; but it's not terrible. At least it's not for me, Mr. Richlin'. I'm only Mrs. Captain Ristofalah; and whin I see the collonels' and gin'r'ls' ladies a-prancin' around in their carridges I feel my humility; but it's my djuty to be brave, sur!

And he's no different from the plain Raphael Ristofalah of eight year ago the same perfict gintleman that he was when he sold b'iled eggs!" And the colonel's "lady" smiled a gay triumph that gave Mary a new affection for her. Sister Jane bowed to the rod of an inscrutable Providence.

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