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" To safeguard from invasion the sovereign rights of one another; " To submit to arbitration all justiciable disputes which fail of settlement by diplomatic arrangement; " To submit to investigation by the league of nations all non-justiciable disputes which fail of settlement by diplomatic arrangement; and

Miss Jennie Baxter, with several final and dainty touches that put to rights her hat and dress a little pull here and a pat there regarded herself with some complacency in the large mirror that was set before her, as indeed she had every right to do, for she was an exceedingly pretty girl.

If this lodge is too crowded to receive the couple, the young man will make arrangements for space in the lodge of a brother, cousin, or uncle, where there is more room. These are all his close relations, and he is welcome in any of their lodges, and has rights there.

As it is to be presumed that the French do not wish to relinquish all commercial intercourse with other nations, they mean possibly to tack the republican calendar to the rights of man, and send their armies to propagate them together; otherwise the correspondence of a Frenchman will be as difficult to interpret with mercantile exactness as the characters of the Chinese.

A petition was presented by the old company, representing their rights and claims under so many royal charters; the regard due to the property of above a thousand families interested in the stock; as also to the company's property in India, amounting to forty-four thousand pounds of yearly revenue.

Bannon tried to tell him that the railroad had consented to their putting in the gallery, that they were well within their rights, that he, the section boss, had better be careful not to exceed his instructions. But the section boss had spoken his whole mind already.

No, if I can't carry this rabbit home myself, you shan't!" "I say the same thing. I'm going to have my rights." Now, while the two bad alligators were talking this way they did not pay much attention to Uncle Wiggily.

Before their eyes proudly rose the temples of the dominant church, in which their haughty brethren indulged in ease their magnificent devotion, while they themselves were driven from the walls, expelled, too, by the weaker number perhaps, and forced, here in the wild woods, under the burning heat of noon, in disgraceful secrecy to worship the same God; cast out from civil society into a state of nature, and reminded in one dread moment of the rights of that state!

He took a funny idea into his head at one time to write to Georgie, whom he had never seen queer letters, telling very little, full of sly remarks one couldn't get the rights of." Ishmael paused, waiting for the Parson to produce the letter and show it him, but Boase made no move.

"I will talk with you no more. You may go in safety, protected by the council-fire, but I want you to leave this place at once." Other councils were held. Tecumseh stood as firm as a rock, for what he considered to be the rights of the Indians. He was very frank. He said that if it were not for the dispute about the land, he would continue to be the friend of the Seventeen Fires.