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Fitzgerald had indeed his element of scandal to tantalize the majority, who debated whether or not the rising generation could be as promiscuous in its behavior as he made out. It is the brains in the book, however, not the scandal, which finally count. His restless generation sparkles with inquiry and challenge.

Every now and then the sea calls some farmer or shepherd, and the restless drop in his veins gives him no peace till he has found his way over the hills and fells to the port of Whitehaven, and gone back to the cradling bosom that rocked his ancestors. But in the main, this lovely spot was a northern Lotus-land to the Viking. The great hills shut him in from the sight of the sea.

Some of the scattered bands of the tribe, however, were restless and unsubdued, and gave us much trouble, and it was these bands that necessitated the scouts. My little son, Harry, four years old, was my constant and only companion, during that long, cold, and anxious winter. My mother sent me an appealing invitation to come home for a year.

Restless and impatient, Clarence walked back to his inn, and had not been there many minutes before a servant, in the Westborough livery, appeared at the door of the humble hostelry, and left the following letter for his perusal and gratification: Sir, The letter intended for my daughter has just been given to me by Lady Westborough.

He did not know what fate destined him to do, but he did know that philosophy taught him to forgive. It was this philosophy that first perplexed Faustine. She was restless, frivolous, perhaps also a trifle depraved. Frivolous because all women were, depraved because her mother was, and restless because of the curiosity that inflammable imaginations share in brief, a Roman princess.

He did not observe this, being inspired by a restless though aimless curiosity. This proof, which Jenny talked about, worried him. "Suppose," said he, "you should show me this letter." She seemed to feel at these words an electric shock. "To you?" she said, shuddering. "Never!"

Since Communism, especially in those restless days in the depths of the depression, was the bugaboo of the rich, it was inevitable that some unscrupulous but shrewd observers of the American scene would take advantage of this fear and capitalize on it.

"That good fellow, Blyth, has come back: he's been sitting here with me a couple of hours or more. Where have you been to all day, you restless old Rough and Tough?" he continued, with something of his natural lighthearted manner returning already. "There's a letter come for you, by-the-by. The landlady said she would put it on the table in the front room."

She was made restless, too, from excitement by reason of the multiplicity of toys which every one thought it incumbent on him and her to bestow; for it was quite a matter for public rejoicing that she had not been drowned, and Josephine, as her reputed savior, leapt at a bound to the highest pinnacle of popular favor.

"It is true, then!" said his royal highness, significantly. "I congratulate you! The quiet dignity of the bench must seem to you a great change after a career so busy and restless."