United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

To quote my earlier book directly, the great thing in all education is to make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy. It is to fund and capitalize our acquisitions, and live at ease upon the interest of the fund.

She lacked the special training which alone could make any sort of self-respecting life possible. The only thing she had to capitalize when she left her husband's house, was the thing which had got her into it her sex charm. The only excuse for capitalizing that again was that it would make it possible for her to acquire a special training in some other field.

You know where that little stream is between here and Meadow Brook? Well, that's the place. We found out this morning what a delightful spot it would make for a lake and a big summer resort hotel, and at noon Sam bought the property, and we have been planning it all afternoon. He's bought it outright and he's going to capitalize it for a quarter of a million dollars.

He was too busy with the consciousness that at last he was in a position to capitalize his information. He knew what nobody else did, outside of Henry and his wife, Mirabelle, Mr. Archer and probably Judge Barklay and if he flung himself into the League's campaign, what might he now accomplish? He looked at Mirabelle. Her eyes betrayed her admiration. Mr.

The failure to capitalize on existing means of development before the War resulted from the chronic unrest caused by warlordism, revolutionaries and foreign invaders, which occupied the energies of the Nationalist government from its establishment to its fall.

To-morrow we shall announce the birth of the Manhattan Traction Company, explaining its inception and its intentions. We shall show that, although we have paid an enormous price for the purchase of the properties, we shall capitalize at one-half the amount originally planned by those who would have carried through the merger if our Companies had not stepped in.

One way or another you'll capitalize that reputation. That's the way New York is." "That isn't the way I am, however. I'll capitalize my brains and ability, if I've got 'em; not my gun-play." "Your gun-play will advertise your brains and ability, then," retorted Cressey. "Nobody expects you to make a princely income shooting up toughs on the water-front.

But Fate, or Foreordination, or Good Fortune, or Destiny, or Providence, or Luck, whichever one of these presided on this occasion, suit yourselves as to this, O infidel or orthodox! capitalize them all, since some of you will have it so elected that these two people should not meet till they had both cooled off a little.

The first thought of every political faction, when, on the third, the newspapers were ringing with this great news, was either how to capitalize it for themselves, or how to forestall its capitalization by some one else. Forbes "dashed off" a letter to Andrew urging an immediate demonstration for Lincoln.

"The controlling interest, Mr. Merriwell." "Go on, sir." "We will suppose at the start that we organize the Central Sonora Railroad Company and capitalize it for well, just as an example, let's say ten millions of dollars.