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'I wud on'y say that if th' Transvaal raypublic wud rather have a Dum-dum bullet in its tum- tum thin grant to Englishmen th' r-right to run th' govermint, thin th' Transvaal rapublic'll have both! he says. 'I will add, he says, 'that we have put our hand to th' plough an' we will not turn back, he says.

His wit not being very ready, however, he offered no excuse, but said, "Ah reckon Ah don' care to tell ye." Friedrich laid his hand on the young man's shoulder as he sat beside him on the ground. "Think what it means, Bud, to do what now you do. You put yourself in the class of wr-rongdoers instead of in the r-ranks of those who do r-right.

'Now, how does th' sentence r-read? 'Th' next day was four o'clock in Janooary an' supposin' th' amount iv money, an' supposin' ye haven't got a very large salary holdin' th' chair iv conniption fits at th' college, an' supposin' ye don't get a cent onless ye answer r-right, I ask ye, on th' night in question whin th' pris'ner grabbed th' clock, was he or was he not funny at th' roof? 'I objict to th' form iv question, says th' State's attorney.

Whin th' man gets through he goes to th' window an' waits to see whether th' polisman that wint into th' saloon is afther a dhrink or sarvin' a warrant. If he comes r-right out 'tis a warrant. Thin he sets back in a chair an' figures out that th' pitchers on th' wall pa-aper ar-re all alike ivry third row.

"An important clue is held by Constable Flanders as it is known that the parties came to Bailey's Harbor in a yacht named Hoppergrass and a search is being made for that yacht, Constable Flanders promising the yacht a warm reception if he finds her in the vicinity of Bailey's Harbor with the miscreants on board." "W-Well, he k-k-k-kept that p-p-p-promise, all r-right!" remarked Spook.

So be Roodyard Kipling. He doesn't come r-right out, an' say, 'Nick, ye're a liar! but he tells about what th' czar done to a man he knowed be th' name iv Muttons. Muttons, it seems, Hinnissy, was wanst a hunter; an' he wint out to take a shot at th' czar, who was dhressed up as a bear.

'No, I mean th' wan that lammed me with his cane, he says. 'If it hadn't been, he says, 'that we're united, he says, 'be a common pathrimony, he says, 'I'd've had his life, he says. 'Ye wud so, says I, 'an' ye're r-right, I says.

Th' man nex' to ye had a banner declarin' that he was no slave. 'Twas th' la-ad Johnson. He was r-right. He is no slave, an' he won't be wan as long as people have washin' to give to his wife. Th' man I see ye takin' a dhrink with had a banner that said if th' mines was opened th' mills would be opened, too.

Dooley, "ye'er thoughts on this subject is inthrestin', but not conclusive, as Dorsey said to th' Pollack that thought he cud lick him. Ye have a r-right to ye'er opinyon, an' ye'll hold it annyhow, whether ye have a r-right to it or not. Like most iv ye'er fellow-citizens, ye start impartial. Ye don't know annything about th' case.

John was not John, the war was not the war ... and it's only to-day now that I feel as though I were r-right inside. I've been so stupid I've made so many mistakes." She dropped her voice: "I've always been afraid, Ivan Andreievitch, that is the truth. You remember that morning before S ?" "Yes," I said. "I remember it." "Well, it has been often, often like that.