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"Here, Sergeant," called out the Provost-Marshal from the other room, "what are you fooling around in there so long for?" "Somebody's been monkeying with my things," called back the Sergeant. "If they don't let 'em alone I'll scalp somebody." "Well, get through, and come out here, for there's some more work for you. Make a good job with that scoundrel. I'll be in presently and see it."

"Yes," said Commines, "Tristan's house. He is the King's Provost-Marshal and and " "Yes, I know, Uncle. He carries out the justice of the King. But to hang a fellow-Christian over one's own hall-door is a strange taste." "Stephen, take my advice and have naught to do with Tristan by word or deed. And no doubt the fellow deserved his hanging."

He promptly gave me a note to the Provost-Marshal, which procured me a pass through the lines. That night I was in the camp of my son David, who, you remember, was a Colonel. After our greeting we sat down by his camp chest, upon which was spread his supper of cold meat, hard crackers and coffee, the whole lighted by a single candle inserted in the shank of a bayonet which was stuck in the ground.

At Point of Rocks, whither our provost-marshal and Colonel Putnam are driven for shelter, together with numerous squads of convalescents and some dozen stragglers, there is arming for defence, and every intention of giving Jeb a sharp fight should he attempt to pick up supplies or stragglers from its sturdy garrison.

The Governor, a Unionist, threatened even to recall the Kentucky troops from the field to come back and protect their homes. Even the Home Guards got disgusted with their masters, and for a while it seemed as if the State, between guerilla and provost-marshal, would go to pieces.

Now listen to me, and answer my questions, and mind you don't lie to me, sir; mind you don't lie." "I won't. I pledge you my honor ," began Jake. "Never mind pledging that; it isn't worth pledging. You see you're a sneak, else you wouldn't be here telling tales on your fellow countrymen. But never mind. It's my business to make use of you. I'm provost-marshal."

"He is not obliged to wear the ecclesiastical garb." "Rubbish! since he is not in uniform, and there is no provost-marshal in your troop, send him to the " "Believe me, I would not hesitate a minute, if it were possible to remain." "I was right in disliking the phi of that man," muttered Dagobert between his teeth.

Seizing his hat and wrapping himself in his cloak, with his sword by his side, he walked calmly down the stairs looking carelessly at the group of soldiers and prisoners who filled the passages. A waiter informed the provost-marshal in command that the gentleman was a respectable boarder at the tavern, well known to him for many years.

Terrible things are reported of the manner in which this noble prisoner, this admirable gentleman and hero, was treated by his jailer and executioner. There are savages in every large army, and it is possible that this provost-marshal was one of them.

The prisoners, as well as the captured guns, were turned over to General Butler's provost-marshal, and our wounded were quickly and kindly cared for by his surgeons. Ample supplies, also, in the way of forage and rations, were furnished us by General Butler, and the work of refitting for our return to the Army of the Potomac was vigorously pushed.