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Updated: August 26, 2024

It would do them a world of good to see something wet for once." Fate or the fairy godmother, or whoever the mysterious being is that always pops up at the right moment in the story books, but who is practically an unknown quantity in real life, proved that she was not a myth after all by suddenly and unceremoniously granting Sahwah's wish.

I mean, what does the man do, when he goes behind that queer machine thing and sticks his head under the cloth, and then after a while claps in something that looks like my tracing-slate and then pops it out again? What makes the picture?" "The sun makes the picture. I am afraid I have not succeeded in explaining so you understand very clearly; have I, Sweetheart?" Marjorie nodded her head.

They are the cunningest little ears you've ever saw. Wasn't it nice of Moses to think about us and bring it? Of course, he didn't know we would be away so long and that I was going to be sick and he wouldn't see me until spring; but it's a thing that keeps, and the drier it is the prettier it pops, he says. What is that picture over there, Uncle Winthrop? It is very ugly."

It generally pops at you round some queer corner, where it takes you by surprise. Before leaving Omaha I'd come to see that Amalia Gramm was by no means the least valiant of her sex."

But, why, we all presumed she was perfectly inconsolable thinking only of another world. That's so. And then you work a miracle, and out she pops, fit as can be." "I persuaded her ... for the sake of variety," mumbled Maurice. Little Fauvre, the baritone, had come up; but Miss Jensen did not heed his meek reminder that this was their dance.

He is "Tom, you rascal," the valet or tiger, more or less impudent and acute that well-known menial in top-boots and a livery frock with red cuffs and collar, whom Sir Harry always retains in his service, addresses with scurrilous familiarity, and pays so irregularly: or he is Lucetta, Lady Annabel's waiting-maid, who carries the billets-doux and peeps into them; knows all about the family affairs; pops the lover under the sofa; and sings a comic song between the scenes.

So, attentive to their least movements, Fabre goes forth to observe them at the earliest break of day, in the red dawn, when the bee "pops her head out of her attic window to see what the weather is," and the spiders of the thickets lie in wait under the whorls of their nets, "which the tears of night have changed into chaplets of dewdrops, whose magic jewellery, sparkling in the sun," is already attracting moths and midges.

A series of staccato pops announced that the whole fleet was getting under way and they were soon circling the hangars and climbing off in the direction of the trenches. The long journey had begun. The night was moonlit and the stars were bright. Not a cloud was to be seen.

"That's fine but no!" she besought, reaching out her hand to detain me. "No, don't go! If you went away you'd never come back. They never do." "Who never do?" "The young men. The very instant father sees one coming he pops me in the tower and turns the key. You see," she explained, "when I was in Italy I was engaged to a duke he was a silly little thing and I was glad when he turned out bogus.

But that one opposite," and the valet advanced to the door through which Madame Dalibard had disappeared, "that is curious; and as Madame is out, we may just take a peep." He opened the door gently, and Beck looked in. "This, which is called the turret-chamber, was Madame's when she was a girl, I have heard old Bessy say; so Master pops her there now.

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