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We made the Aurora, and, looking back as I leaped over her rail, I could see Miller running back up the dock. "Hurry, fellows." I yells to them, "Miller's gone to head us off." As we drops onto the Aurora's deck a head pops out of the fo'c's'le companion-way. He looked like he'd just come out of a fine sleep.

'ticky! in a regular chorus." "Ah," cried Carey, "they heard Black Jack call the molasses sticky." "Soon, though, as I cut the string and pulled off the bladder cover, and they saw it was all yaller, they began to show their teeth and snarl. `'Ticky! 'Ticky! they says again, but `all right, my lads, I says, and I sticks the fork into an onion, winks at 'em, and pops it into my mouth.

'Tarnal death to me, sodger, it turned me wrong side out! and while I war axing all natur' how I war to get over, what should I do but see the old sugar-trough floating in the bushes, I seed her in a strick of lightning. So pops I in, and paddles I down, till I comes to the rocks, and ar'n't they beauties?

You go in, lock the door of course, then open a couple of valves until the fuel drips into the firebox, then you light it. Maybe you have a pressure gauge, or maybe you just wait until the safety valve pops to tell you if you have a head of steam. Which can be dangerous since a sticking valve could blow the whole works right over the mountain.

I could not have s'posed as how you'd condescend nowadays to come to the Mug, vhere I never seed you but once afore. Lord love ye, they says as 'ow you go to all the fine places in ruffles, with a pair of silver pops in your vaistcoat pocket!

Now they would disappear wholly from sight in the brush, and again would be seen hurrying along the open spaces, over the grass-covered slopes, or across ploughed fields. The infantry firing was ceaseless, our men popping away continuously, as a string of firecrackers pops. “The Spaniards fired in volleys against our men.

Cloud-line is passed till the clouds lie underneath in grey lakes and pools. A 'fool hen' or mountain grouse comes out and bobbles her head at the passing packtrain. A whistling marmot pops up from the rocks and pierces the stillness.

"Then it was I opened my mouth amazed at the endless dishes filled with niceties of earth, and the Duke's Daughter pops onto my tongue a mouthful of the first dish brought, and then does the same to every Yeoman of the Guard that carried a dish that her notorious Majesty be safe against the hand of poisoners.

The Saturday and Monday pops were still an institution; and the bell of the muffin-man, in such a wintry season, passed frequently along the foggy streets and squares. Already the epoch seems remote. Madame Okraska was pausing on her way from St. Petersburg to New York and this was the only concert she was to give in London that winter.

The fellow gives his little dinners and suppers to his marchionesses, countesses, duchesses, and plays clown and pantaloon among the men. He thinks a parcel o' broidered petticoats 'll float him. So they may till a tradesman sent stark mad pops a pin into him. Harry, I'd as lief hang on to a fire-ship.