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Out pops the same old text: 'My son, hear the words of the holy Apostle, Saint Paul " He that doubteth is damned!" He was old enough to be my father, but I couldn't help slapping the other half of the verse at him, and saying that we'd most luckily escape because there wasn't any dinner-stop for our train."

"I'll get him this time!" and without waiting to go through the storeroom, Bert raised the window and bolted out on the roof. "What's de matter down dere?" called Dinah from the window above. "'Pears like as if you boys had de nightmare. Can't you let nobody get a wink ob sleep? Ebbery time I puts my head down, bang! comes a noise and up pops my head.

In 1797 young Lafayette and his tutor, Monsieur Frestel, whom Washington thought a very sensible man, made the place, by invitation, their home for several months. In the summer of that year Washington wrote to his old secretary, Tobias Lear: "I am alone at present, and shall be glad to see you this evening. Unless some one pops in unexpectedly Mrs.

As if this were not sufficiently terrifying, the air is throbbing with sound. Each Indian pops away for general results as he comes jumping along, and yells shrilly to show what a big warrior he is, while underneath it all is the hurried monotone of hoof-beats becoming ever louder, as the roar of an increasing rainstorm on the roof. It does not seem possible that anything can stop them.

'Then I shall make a reconnaissance in force myself. 'Beggin your pardon, sir, says he, don't see the force one man agin a score. 'Ah, says he, 'you forget my lady. And he whips up his Polly, and off he pops over the grass like a lad a-courtin." The old man chuckled as he told. "What's Knapp up to?" trembled the boy.

He was freight conductor on the U.P. when I was a boy at Cheyenne. We'll nab him first thing in the morning." "Can't we nab him to-night?" asked Geordie. McCrea laughed. "You're keen as your father, Pops," said he. "Niver put off till t'-morrow what can be done the day." "The laddie's right," said Ross.

He asked Joan if she did not trust him well enough to give him her telephone number. "Something might occur," he said, "business pops up unexpectedly. I hate to lose a chance of seeing you and I hate to wait on street corners." "I am sorry," Joan replied, "but that would spoil everything." Raymond flushed. It was just such plunges as this that made him recoil.

It is a sad fact that "Grasshopper" had a bunch of matches in his pocket, and the boys meant to build a fire. Horace gathered the dry sticks and crossed them, so all Grasshopper had to do was to strike a match, and the fire was soon crackling briskly. "How it pops!" said Prudy, "just like corn." "I reckon this is popple wood," said Horace, "and they call it so because it pops in the fire."

Half-a-dozen verses were thus massacred, and the reciter stopped with the sudden jerk of a machine. 'Goes str'ight on, don't 'e, Grace? cried the father, exultantly. 'Jowey ain't no fool. Know what he towld me the other day? Somethin' as I never knew, and shouldn't never 'ave thought of s'long as I lived. We was talkin' about jewellery, an' Jowey, 'e pops up all at wunst.

When first married he used to set aside Saturday afternoons to take his wife to the Ella concerts, fore-runners of the "Saturday Pops.," but it was not very long before the pressure of circumstance forbade this pleasure.