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"It has been a great pleasure to me to listen to your uncle's conversation, from which I have learned a good deal." Pollio glanced up to see if Beric was joking. Seeing that he spoke in perfect good faith, he said: "Truly, Beric, you Britons are strange fellows. I would rather go through another day's fighting in your swamps than have to listen to uncle for a whole morning."

Whether it was because the potion which Locusta had prepared was too weak, or because it was not really administered by those who received it in charge, no result followed, and Nero was greatly enraged. He sent for Pollio, and assailed him with reproaches and threats, and as for Locusta, he declared that she should be immediately put to death.

Undeniably there was more taste and more spirit in this younger oratorical literature than in the Hortensian and Ciceronian put together; but we are not able to judge how far, amidst the storms of the revolution which rapidly swept away the whole of this richly-gifted group with the single exception of Pollio, those better germs attained development. The time allotted to them was but too brief.

Careless, and often full of faults, it yet carried his hearers away by its native power and dignity. ASINIUS GALLUS, the son of Pollio, so far followed his father as to take a strong interest in politics, and with filial enthusiasm compared him favourably with Cicero. DOMITIUS AFER also is mentioned by Tacitus as an able but dissolute man, who under a better system might have been a good speaker.

Of the sibyls, generally, in their relation to sacred art, I have already spoken. This particular prophecy of the Tiburtine sibyl to Augustus rests on some very antique traditions, pagan as well as Christian. It is supposed to have suggested the "Pollio" of Virgil, which suggested the "Messiah" of Pope.

The debates in the Senate, the trials in the Court of the Hundred, the public readings in the city, which first introduced by Asinius Pollio in the time of Augustus were then the fashion, of all these Pliny gives us a clear presentment. His charity is hardly ever at fault. Only when he writes of Regulus and Pallas does he dip his pen in gall.

Keep a brave and high spirit, and feel confident that the result will be to utterly repulse the attack of a most contemptible fellow, and to retain your high position and fame. What is going on you will learn from Pollio, who not only was engaged in all the transactions, but was the leader in them.

"Who are you?" "Marcus Servilius Pollio." "What is your age?" "Thirteen years." At the mention of his name a murmur of compassion went round the assemblage, for that name was well known in Rome. "You are charged with the crime of being a Christian. What have you to say?" "I am guilty of no crime," said the boy. "I am a Christian, and I am glad to be able to confess it before men."

This conjecture is rendered highly probable by Asinius Pollio, who informs us that Caesar, upon viewing the vanquished and slaughtered enemy in the field of Pharsalia, expressed himself in these very words: "This was their intention: I, Caius Caesar, after all the great achievements I had performed, must have been condemned, had I not summoned the army to my aid!"

The chief are Polybius, Silenus the Sicilian a friend of Hannibal, Caelius Antipater, Sisenna, Caecilius, Rutilius, and the Fasti, which are now almost or quite continuous; and still further on he followed Posidonius, and perhaps for the Civil Wars Asinius Pollio, Theophanes, and others. There is evidence that these were carefully digested, but by instalments.