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It was a situation that called for sympathy for Billy, but not otherwise for grave anxiety, so that Miriam could wait quietly for further out-pourings of Evie's heart, and give her mind to the mysteries incidental to the girl's social presentation to the world. Of the ceremonies attendant on this event the "killing off" of the family was the one Miriam dreaded most.

Well, far better than my feeble pencilling can picture, will they fill up this slight sketch. That walk to Oxton, that visit to the village school, was full of generous affections unrepressed, the out-pourings of two deep-welled hearts, flowing forth in sympathetic ecstasy.

MacMahon's place and I didn't forget. I'll pay a week in advance if you'll take me in." Whether Mrs. MacMahon believed these out-pourings was an open question, but her face softened slightly at sound of the brogue. "Irish, are you!" she said. "Yes, County Cork, and not over since very long," returned the girl. "I'm from County Cork, me and me dead husband both," volunteered the woman.

Many persons have attempted to describe Browning as he appeared in society; there is a consensus of opinion as to the energy and cordiality of his way of social converse; but it is singular that, though some records of his out-pourings as a talker exist, very little is on record that possesses permanent value.

She had not perceived how could she until she had lived longer? the inmost truth of the old monk's out-pourings, that renunciation remains sorrow, though a sorrow borne willingly. Maggie was still panting for happiness, and was in ecstasy because she had found the key to it.

For in the midst of her out-pourings she drew herself together, tried to collect and calm herself, looked at Marcella with an agonised, suspicious eye, and fell silent. "I don't know nothing about it, miss," she stubbornly declared at last, with an inconsequent absurdity which smote Marcella's pity afresh. "How am I to know? There was seven o' them Oxford fellows at Tudley End that I know.

Well, far better than my feeble pencilling can picture, will they fill up this slight sketch. That walk to Oxton, that visit to the village school, was full of generous affections unrepressed, the out-pourings of two deep-welled hearts, flowing forth in sympathetic ecstasy.

On the other hand, the sunny happiness his brother had basked in, and it was very great, had sprung from the natural out-pourings of an affection, which, unfettered as it had been by prudential considerations, had yet the power to make earth a heaven while Acme shared it with him, and the dark grave an object of bright promise, when hailed as the portal, through which he must pass, ere he gazed once more on the load-star of his hopes.

It seemed to her that she was fighting for Stephen's very life, and she could not give way. To all these out-pourings Stephen made no reply.

These out-pourings "Pechadur truenus wyf i! Arglwydd madden i mi!" extempore prayers, psalms chanted with a swaying of the body, hymns sung uproariously, scripture read with an accompaniment of groans, hysteric laughter, and interjections of assent, and a rambling discourse lasting fully an hour, were in the Welsh language; and David on his three or four visits and it can be imagined what a sensation they caused!