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He cannot take me from thee," shrieked the agonised woman. "Release her, Alizon, or I will slay thee likewise," roared the demon. "Never," she replied; "thou canst not overcome me. Ha!" she added joyfully, "the brand has disappeared from her brow." "And the writing from the parchment," howled the demon; "but I will have her notwithstanding." And he plunged his claws into Alice Nutter's flesh.

'Catch the slut. You sha'n't budge not a foot hold her, cried M. M. to the bailiff. 'Baugh! was his answer. 'See, now, said Davy, 'Madam Nutter's not serious you're not, Ma'am? We don't detain you, mind. The door's open. There's no false imprisonment or duress, mind ye, thanking you all the same, Miss, for your offer. We won't detain you, ah, ah. No, I thank you.

Aided by your crafty and unscrupulous ally, Master Potts, you get together a number of Mistress Nutter's tenants, and, by threats and misrepresentations, induce them to become instruments of your vengeance.

There was another pause, during which Toole, flushed and shocked, turned his gaze from Gamble to Nutter. ''Tis a true bill, then? said Toole, scarcely above his breath, and very dismally. A swarthy flush covered Nutter's dark face. The man was ashamed. ''Tis nigh eighteen years ago, Sir, said Nutter embarrassed, as he well might be.

Dr. Walsingham's sermon had reference to the two-fold tragedy of the week, Nutter's supposed death by drowning, and the murder of Sturk. In his discourses he sometimes came out with a queer bit of erudition. Such as, while it edified one portion of his congregation, filled the other with unfeigned amazement.

What made this rescue the more extraordinary was, that none of the other witches were liberated at the same time, but some of them who seemed disposed to take advantage of the favourable interposition, and endeavoured to get away, were brought back by the foresters to the officers of justice; thus clearly proving that the attempt was solely made on Mistress Nutter's account, and must have been undertaken by her friends.

She forgot the attorney's disrespectful language, and he the lady's brass candlestick, and, over the punch-bowl of oblivion and vain glory, they celebrated their common victory. Under advice, M. M. had acquiesced, pending her vigorous legal proceedings, in poor little Sally Nutter's occupying her bed-room in the house for a little while longer.

She wondered vaguely, as she pattered along, with what dreadful exhibition of her infernal skill Mary Matchwell had disordered the senses of poor little Mrs. Nutter from that perch? or had she raised the foul fiend in bodily shape, or showed her Nutter's dead face through the water?

It would be useless to attempt to revive her; she must come to in her own way, or at the pleasure of the wicked woman who has thrown her into this condition. I have now an assured witness in this girl. But I must keep watch upon Mistress Nutter's further movements." And he walked cautiously after her.

And positively, only for Aunt Becky, who was always spoiling this sort of sport, and who restrained the gallant Toole by a peremptory injunction, there would have been, in Nutter's unfortunate phrase, 'wigs on the green, next day. So these gentlemen met on the terms I've described: and Nutter's antipathy also, had waxed stronger and fiercer.