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"Now, this is just too sweet of you, Niti, to come so soon after we got here. In five minutes more I should have written you a note, asking you and the Professor to come and take lunch with us to-morrow, and here you've anticipated me, so we have the pleasure of seeing you all the sooner."

This is from Brenda, and Brenda is an angel disguised in petticoats and picture hats. Listen." Then she began to read: "MY DEAREST NITI, I am going to take what I'm afraid English people would think a great liberty. Well, the Prince, as of course you know, is in London now.

Asamsayas is the reading that occurs in every text, and not Asamsayam. Mr. Davies, therefore, is incorrect in rendering it "doubtless" and making it an adverb qualifying "come to me." Bhuti is explained by Sreedhara as gradual abhivridhhi, i.e., growth or greatness. Niti is explained as Nyaya or justice. Varayudham is according to Nilakantha, the excellent bow.

"I'm awfully sorry, Mark," she began, in a tone which literally sent a shiver a real physical shiver through him, for he was very, very much in love with her. "What on earth is the matter, Niti?" he said, looking at the fair face and downcast eyes which, for the first time since he had asked the eternal question and she had answered it according to his heart's desire, had refused to meet his.

"Really, Niti well, well. Of course, I know that you will be perfectly safe: but what would our good friends on this plane, as you put it, the Van Huysmans, for instance, think if they could hear you talking so calmly to your own father about getting yourself abducted by a man whom you justly think to be one of the most unscrupulous scoundrels on earth!

When the maid had closed the door of the breakfast-room, he looked across the table at his daughter with a twinkle in his eyes, and said: "Niti, before Lord Leighton left last night he had a talk with me, and you were partly the subject of it." "And who might have been the other part of the subject, Dad?" she asked, with excellently simulated composure.

Happily she had no idea of what he had seen and heard, and so for her sake he made a strong effort to control himself, and said as steadily as he could: "Thank you, Niti, it is very good of you. Yes, I think I am a little tired to-night. Good-night now, and I promise you that I will be off very soon; I will just have one more pipe, and drink my whisky, and then I really will go.

She opened the one she had selected and skimmed its contents. Then her eyelids lifted, and she said: "Oh!" "What is the matter, Niti?" asked her father, looking up from his cutlet. "Nothing gone wrong with your arrangements, I hope." "Oh dear, no," she replied, with something like exultation in her voice, "quite the reverse, Dad.

I'm twenty-two to-morrow, Niti, and my grandfather, who is just about the best grandfather a girl ever had, cabled across to the Napier people, and they've sent round the dandiest six-cylinder, thirty-horse landaulette that you ever saw, even in Central Park, and a driver to match only I shan't have much use for him, except to look after the automobile.

"Just imagine yourself shutting the door on the other side, my dear Niti," said the Professor, who had risen from the chair, and was facing his daughter and the Mummy.