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Updated: August 7, 2024

But my mind did not run so much on this as might be supposed. Beyond a general impression of the distance before me, and of the young man with the donkey-cart having used me cruelly, I think I had no very urgent sense of my difficulties when I once again set off with my ninepence in my pocket. A plan had occurred to me for passing the night, which I was going to carry into execution.

"And what does she earn a day?" "Ninepence. Of course, she has help from the parish as well two shillings a week, I think, and a loaf for each child besides." A queer expression flitted over Bessie's face; she drew a long breath and stretched her arms above her head. "Yes, I feel it is wrong: the widow of a laborer who died in Mr.

Asquith, the Prime Minister, when Chancellor of the Exchequer, reduced the income-tax in respect of earned incomes under £2,000 a year from a shilling to ninepence, and it is calculated that 750,000 income-tax payers that is to say, nearly three-quarters of the whole number of income-tax payers who formerly paid at the shilling rate have obtained an actual relief from taxation to the extent of nearly £1,200,000 a year in the aggregate.

Then they fell into an animated conversation, and found each other so agreeable that they travelled together in a second-class carriage to Dublin, the Nationalist paying ninepence extra for the privilege, the Unionist sacrificing the advantages conferred by his first-class ticket.

I don't know under God what I keep you for!" "Now, you don't mean the half you say, sir!..." "You're not worth ninepence a week!" "Aw, now," said Matier, who knew his master, "I'm worth more'n that, sir!" "How much are you worth? Tell me that, William Henry Matier!" William Henry rooted up the daisy, and then said that he wouldn't like to put too high a price on himself....

It meant everything in the world to me. If only you knew how happy I am, how ridiculously happy." "It's all right, then. I've done what she said." A rapturous smile illuminated her old face. "All right, Nannie?" Only a hug can express some things. Nannie straightened her cap. "Well, then," she said, drawing herself up, "I couldn't do it for sixpence, it cost ninepence halfpenny. I said, 'Come.

Wants things for an at 'ome teaspoons as well couldn't I make it ninepence the two dozen! That's the kind of place where there'll be breakages. But they pay well, the breakages do." "Well, I won't keep you now," said Gammon. "I'm going to have a peep at the bow-wows. Could I look in after closing?" Mrs. Clover turned her head away, pretending to observe the muscular youth within.

"A a matter of business. You confuse me, and how can I transact business if I am confused? Let us be clear-headed. If you could kindly mention now, for instance, what nine times ninepence are, or how many shillings in twenty guineas, it would be so encouraging. I should be so much more at my ease about your state of mind."

"A bowl of rum-punch from Horsman's" cost half a crown. Fancy a jolly Proctor sending out for bowls of rum-punch, and that in April! Eggs cost a penny each, and "three oranges and a mouse-trap" ninepence. White, a generous man, gave the Vice-Chancellor "seven pounds of double-refined white sugar."

Castle and I walked to Greenwich, and in our way met some gypsys, who would needs tell me my fortune, and I suffered one of them, who told me many things common as others do, but bade me beware of a John and a Thomas, for they did seek to do me hurt, and that somebody should be with me this day se'nnight to borrow money of me, but I should lend him none. She got ninepence of me.

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