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"That'll be a matter o' ninepence, I reckon." "Oh no," corrected Philippa. "It is to St. Petersburg, in Russia. It will cost much more than that." "Wouldn't that be a British Possession now?" was the doubtful reply. And Philippa, chafing at the delay, could only smile at the question, and answer regretfully that she was afraid it wasn't.

Thus Bunyan says, 'I blessed the condition of the dog and toad, and counted the estate of everything that God had made far better than this dreadful state of mine. Grace Abounding, No. 104. Ed. 30 Alluding to the old proverb of bringing a noble to ninepence, and ninepence to nothing. Ed. 31 At the popular game of nine pins Ed.

He said, Certainly; but after a glance at the account he smiled and said he supposed I knew how much the sum was? I answered, Yes; it was eleven pounds nine shillings, was not it? But I owned at the same time that I never was good at figures, and that I found English money peculiarly baffling. He laughed now, and said, It was eleven shillings and ninepence.

If it gives under your finger, like a bladder half filled with wind, the fish is poor; if it feels hard like butter, the fish is good. It is cheaper to buy one large mackerel for ninepence, than two for four pence half-penny each. Fish should not be put in to fry until the fat is boiling hot; it is very necessary to observe this.

He insisted upon adding the extra ninepence, as he did not doubt that the servant had eaten as much as he. What do you say to these anecdotes? Was this meanness or not?" Ratcliffe was amused. "The stories are new to me," he said. "It is just as I thought. These are signs of a man who thinks much of trifles; one who fusses over small matters.

In the end they succeeded in increasing the total amount to nineteen and ninepence, and they then put three-halfpence each to make it up to a pound. The Newmans lived in a small house the rent of which was six shillings per week and taxes.

"Glad I think so! Don't you think that it's a diamond?" "It appears to be a diamond. Under ordinary conditions I should say, without hesitation, that it was a diamond. But when I consider the circumstances of its discovery, I am driven to doubts. How much did you give for that puzzle, Pugh?" "Ninepence; the fellow wanted a shilling, but I gave him ninepence. He seemed content." "Ninepence!

The first floor front was already let, and so was the front parlor to a young barrister. Her husband was a ticket-taker at Euston Station, and didn't get much since last cutdown. Would I care to pay as much as ten shillings, and would I want breakfast? It would only be ninepence, and I could have either a chop or ham and eggs.

Why, his own household bills, exclusive of wine or beer, had worked out, since he had had this new expensive housekeeper, at something like fifteen shillings a head, a fact which he had managed to conceal from Maud, who "did" her William so well on exactly ten shillings and ninepence all round! It struck nine from the neighboring church, where Mr.