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Updated: August 25, 2024

It may be that the Trigartas are now bringing away the kine, or being defeated, are coming towards us for negotiating with the king of the Matsyas. Or, it may be, that having driven the Trigartas off, the king of the Matsyas, at the head of this people and his whole army of fierce warriors, appeareth on the scene and advanceth to make night-attacks upon us.

It may be that the Trigartas are now bringing away the kine, or being defeated, are coming towards us for negotiating with the king of the Matsyas. Or, it may be, that having driven the Trigartas off, the king of the Matsyas, at the head of this people and his whole army of fierce warriors, appeareth on the scene and advanceth to make night-attacks upon us.

Had they been riding through some dismal swamp, the landscape's influence would have accounted for all these terrors. But it was the pretty region of Western Indiana, containing hills and bird-songs enough to swallow up a thousand stories of toll-gate robberies in happy sight and sound. Grandma Padgett, indeed, soon put her ban upon the subject of caves and night-attacks.

Some of their customs, too, are the same; the form of their houses and of some of their implements, their striped garments, their constant and, dexterous use of the bamboo for all utensils, their practice of night-attacks in war, of using poisoned arrows only in the chase, and that of planting "crow-feet" of sharp bamboo stakes along the paths an enemy is expected to follow.

Here the infantry of Caesar overtook them and encamped opposite to them in the evening and during the night, as the nocturnal march which the Pompeians had at first contemplated was abandoned from fear of the night-attacks of the cavalry. On the following day also both armies remained immoveable, occupied only in reconnoitering the country. The Route to the Ebro Closed

One-fourth of the battalion, exclusive of the regular guard, is kept under arms during the night, to be prepared against surprises and night-attacks. Distance 12 miles. January 9. Early this morning Captain Hamley, accompanied by a Californian as a guide, came into camp, with despatches from Commodore Stockton.

Outbreak at Meerut Neglect of arsenals H.M.'s 61st Regiment Characteristics of the British troops in India Outbreak unexpected First indication of disaffection News of the Mutiny at Meerut Steps taken at Ferozepore Wives and families moved to the barracks A party of the 61st Regiment sent into the fort Proceedings within the fort 45th Regiment of Native Infantry tries to take the fort It is repulsed Criticism of the Brigadier's conduct His want of initiative The cantonment fired The damage done Bells of arms blown up The 61st dismissed to barracks A patrol ordered State of the cantonment Action of the mutineers Officers quartered in the barracks Grenadiers again on special duty Indifference displayed by the Brigadier Measures adopted for the safety of the cantonment Search for mess property Parsimony of the Government Anxiety in the Punjab Loyalty of the Sikhs Sir John Lawrence's appeal to them Their characteristics Spread of the Mutiny Reaction at Ferozepore Night-attacks One in particular Trial of prisoners Sentences Executions

It is for this reason that I would ever discourage night-attacks, unless you can rely on your men. They generally fail: because the man of common bravery, who would acquit himself fairly in broad daylight, will hang back during the night. Fear and Darkness have always been firm allies; and are inseparably playing into each other's hands.

There is also the public story-reader, who for his own sake will choose a convenient spot near to some busy thoroughfare; and there, to an assembled crowd, he will read out, not in the difficult book-language, but in the colloquial dialect of the place, stories of war and heroism, soldiers led to night-attacks with wooden bits in their mouths to prevent them from talking in the ranks, the victory of the loyal and the rout and slaughter of the rebel.

To march, not through peaceful lanes, but with all the care and precautions which a semi-hostile region necessitated; to encamp, not on the quiet village green where sentry-go might appear an unmeaning farce, but in close contact with a vigilant and active race of hard fighters, especially skilled in the arts of surprises and night-attacks; to be ready, always ready, with the readiness of those who meet difficulties half way, such were the precepts which the hardy recruits of the Guides imbibed simultaneously with the automatic instruction of the drill-sergeant.

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