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Updated: August 16, 2024

"Madame," quoth I, "your ladyship's most humble and very obedient servant. I trust your ladyship hath breakfast ready, for of a truth my magnificence is mighty sharp set." "O Martin," cries she, clapping her hands, "I vow 'twas most gallant! It needeth but for you to trim your hair and beard no, I think I will have you clean-shaven, 'twill mind me of the boyish Martin of years ago!

Then the Prince put his mouth to her ear and said to her, "O Shams al-Nahar, O seduction of the universe, have a care for thy life and mine and be patient and constant; for this our position needeth sufferance and skilful contrivance to make shift for our delivery from the tyrannical King.

Therefore find I that in the night's fear one great part is the fault of pusillanimity; that is, of faint and feeble stomach, by which a man for faint heart is afraid where he needeth not. By reason of this, he flieth oftentime for fear of something of which, if he fled not, he should take no harm.

Yea, say what men say will, but do thou as I say thee, and let the proof witness. For to him that will be soon sped of his purpose ghostly, it sufficeth to him for a mean, and him needeth no more, but the actual mind of good God only, with a reverent stirring of lasting love; so that mean unto God gettest thou none but God.

So then, the poor weak believer needeth not to be so far discouraged as to despair and give over the matter as hopeless and lost; let him hang on, depend and wait. A weak faith to-day may become stronger within a short time. He that laid the foundation can and will finish the building, for all his works are perfect.

And it is a duty towards God, incumbent on those who are able to go thither, to visit this house; but whosoever disbelieveth, verily God needeth not the service of any creature. Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye not believe in the signs of God? Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye keep back from the way of God him who believeth?

Phil. iii. 12. For even he who is washed, and, as to justification, is clean every whit, yet needeth to wash his feet, because contracting filth in his conversation, Job xiii. 10. So that if the Lord should mark iniquity, no man should stand, Psalm cxxx. 3, and cxliii. 2. There will still be in the best something, more or less, of that battle, that Paul speaketh of, Rom. vii. 15-23.

CHRIST. But if He parts with His righteousness to us, what will He have for Himself? GREAT-HEART. He has more righteousness than you have need of, or than He needeth Himself. CHRIST. Pray make that appear. GREAT-HEART. With all my heart; but first I must premise, that He of whom we are now about to speak is one that has not His fellow.

If he have his patient in an ague, for the cure of which he needeth his medicines in their working cold, yet he may hap, ere that fever be full cured, to fall into some other disease such that, unless it were helped with hot medicine, would be likely to kill the body before the fever could be cured.

A tree it is, without fruit, but as long as it so abideth, there is ministered occasion to doubt what manner of tree it is. A professor is a professor, though he hath no good works; but that, as such, he is truly godly, he is foolish that so concludeth. Not that faith needeth good works as an help to justification before God.

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