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If I had gone to see the great apostle of beauty, I should have had to go clandestinely en cachette, as they say here; and that is not my nature; I like to do everything frankly, freely, naivement, au grand jour. That is the great thing to be free, to be frank, to be naif. Doesn't Matthew Arnold say that somewhere or is it Swinburne, or Pater?

"Il faudroit," dit elle, "etre belle et jeune." "Ah, madame!" reprit le complimenteur naivement, "vous etes bien la preuve du contraire." Locke's Essay concerning the Human Understanding, fifteenth edit. vol. i. p. 292. "De moi je commence a douter tout de ben. Pourtant quand je me tate, et quand je me rappelle, Il me semble que je suis moi."

Il vous faudrait, dites-vous naivement, pour associe, un homme actif, exerce, connaissant bien les affaires, la culture, pour exploiter votre ferme et, plus heureux que Diogene, vous braquez votre lanterne sur un homme qui dans trois ans sera un quasi vieillard, deja valetudinaire aujourd'hui et sachant a peine distinguer le seigle du froment! Oh! l'admirable cultivateur modele que vous aurez la!

"Ah, madam!" replied the complimenter naivement, "you are a complete proof of the contrary." We know not any original Irish blunder superior to this, unless it be that which Lord Orford pronounced to be the best bull that he ever heard. "I hate that woman," said a gentleman, looking at one who had been his nurse; "I hate that woman, for she changed me at nurse."