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To have a friend, and a friend like you, may be numbered amongst the first felicities of life; at a time when weakness either of body or mind loses the pride and the confidence of self-sufficiency, and looks round for that help which perhaps human kindness cannot give, and which we yet are willing to expect from one another. In your company I hope I shall. Mr. Morrison's Autographs, vol. ii.

Bush turned from his desk at Hazel's entrance. "Miss Weir," he said, "I wish you to take some letters." Hazel went back for her notebook, wondering mildly why she should be called upon to shoulder a part of Nelly Morrison's work, and a trifle dubious at the prospect of facing the rapid-fire dictation Mr. Bush was said to inflict upon his stenographer now and then.

When the firm of Morrison & Daly establishes itself now, it must be for the last time. We want enough timber to do us for the rest of the time we are in business." "In that case, you will have to hunt up another locality," replied Thorpe calmly. Morrison's eyes flashed. But he retained his appearance of geniality, and appealed to Wallace Carpenter.

Before she asked the question of a man coming to the spring with a pail in his hand, she knew the answer. It was Peter Morrison's house. Marian sprang across the brook, climbed to the temporary roadway, and walked down in front of the building. She stood looking at it intently. It was in a rough stage, but much disguise is needed to prevent a mother from knowing her own child.

"You are leaping at insane conclusions," roared Daunt. He shook his finger under Morrison's nose. "I'll admit that I have arrived at some rather extreme conclusions, sir," admitted Stewart, putting his threatened nose a little nearer Daunt's finger.

In fact, the miles are unconscionably long in this country. When I was told that we had still seven miles to go, to "Morrison's," where we proposed stopping for the night, I was almost in despair. It was my first journey on horseback, and I had not yet become inured to the exercise.

"Upon Miss Morrison's acting on this suggestion, Van Nant told of an adventure Carboys had had in Persia some years previously.

And the man who beat her is Peter Morrison's architect, Henry Anderson, and he won by such a narrow margin that her plans were thrown out of second and third place, because they were so very similar to his. Doesn't that strike you as curious?" "That is more than curious," said Eileen slowly. "That is a very strange coincidence.

"I'll admit that it's the first time I ever saw him make up a face when he was called on to tend to business!" "The Senator is a wise old bird! He knows human nature down to the ground. He's got the right kind of a daughter to help him, and he's making her useful. It's a case of shutting Morrison's mouth, and Corson is hep to the right play.

When Grant was hurrying through Wall Street about noon he came upon Tom Calder and Morrison. "Hello, there, Grant," said Tom, placing his hand upon his shoulder. "What's the matter, Tom? I'm in a hurry," said Grant. "Jim Morrison's got a little business for you." "What is it?" "He wants you to sell gov'ment bonds for him." "You'd better take them round to our office."