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"I was, as some of you may know, in practice in the City in Moorgate Street, as a matter of fact," he said. "Daniel Molteno was a jeweller in Houndsditch. I occasionally acted for him professionally. And occasionally when I wanted anything in the way of jewellery, I went to his shop.

Ayscough, supposing that one o' those Chinks called here with that cheque that afternoon when Zillah was out, and found the old man alone, and that diamond in his hand eh?" Ayscough started and gave a low, sharp whistle. "Whew!" he said. "By George, that's an idea! Where's this house, do you say? Molteno Lodge, Maida Vale? I know it small detached house in a garden.

"Look here, my friend one of your people has told me of this affair at Molteno Lodge the discovery of the Chinaman's dead body." "That young fellow, Rubinstein, who called on you early this evening, and got me to accompany him discovered it," said Ayscough, who was wondering what the doctor was after. "I was with him."

Knifed! in the throat." The reiteration of the word murdered appeared to yield the detective some sort of satisfaction but it apparently made no particular impression on the Japanese. Again he rapped out one word. "Where?" "His body was found in the garden of the house they rented in Maida Vale," replied Ayscough. "Molteno Lodge. No doubt you've visited them there, Mr. Yada?"

The British were at Putter's Kraal and Sterkstrom, some twenty odd miles distant by the railroad, which they controlled up to Molteno, nine miles from Stormberg. The troops, 2,500 in number, had been marching, or in open railroad trucks, since early morning of Saturday, December 9, when at 9 P.M. they detrained at Molteno.

Circumstances brought him into much greater favour with the Dutch than with his own countrymen, for it was thought, not without reason, that he had brought Carnarvon round to see the truth about the Diamond Fields and the Free State. He made them speeches, and they received him with enthusiasm. With Molteno, on the other hand, he found it impossible to act, and the Governor supported Molteno.

Molteno had gone, or whether he'd retired from business altogether; he knew nothing and evidently didn't care, either, so that part of my memories comes to an end!" "Mr. Spencer Levendale is a man of just under fifty," remarked Ayscough, after a thoughtful pause, "and I should say that twenty-five years ago, he'd be just such a man as Mr. Killick has described."

Purdie and Lauriston, in fact, had immediately been struck by the similarity of the names Molteno and Multenius, and they exchanged another look which their host detected and knew to convey a meaning. He leaned forward in his chair. "Now, that strikes you both!" he said. "What's all this about? Better give me your confidence."

For Cape Colony he suggested the names of the Prime Minister, Molteno, and of Paterson, who led the Opposition. In June, 1875, Froude went back to South Africa, this time as an acknowledged emissary of the Government, but by ill luck his arrival coincided with the receipt of the despatch. The effect of this document was prodigious. Molteno considered that he had been personally insulted.

And I've no more doubt than I have that I see you, that the old pawnbroker whom you knew hereabouts as Daniel Multenius was the same man Daniel Molteno from whom I bought those rings, years ago! Not the slightest doubt!" None of those present made any remark on this surprising announcement, and Mr. Killick went on.