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But for the physiologist, who knows that every individual being is so evolved who knows, further, that in their earliest condition the germs of all plants and animals whatever are so similar, "that there is no appreciable distinction amongst them, which would enable it to be determined whether a particular molecule is the germ of a Conferva or of an Oak, of a Zoophyte or of a Man;" for him to make a difficulty of the matter is inexcusable.

Molecule by molecule, in a mystery too small for human eye to detect, even had a watchful human eye been lying in wait to observe, the marvellous process went on; until, after the lapse of nobody knows how many centuries, the wood was gone, and in its place lay its exact image in stone, rings of growth, individual peculiarities of structure, knots, broken slivers and chips; color, shape, all perfect.

It became certain that atoms are not thrown together haphazard to build a molecule, any more than bricks are thrown together at random to form a house.

I also conclude that since none of the processes of nature, during their varied action on different individual molecules, have produced, in the course of ages, the slightest difference between the properties of one molecule and those of another, the history of whose combinations has been different, we cannot ascribe either their existence or the identity of their properties to the operation of any of those causes which we call natural.

And since both the ultimate atom and the ultimate molecule lie beyond microscopic reach, the assumption that vital phenomena are the result of either molecular force or atomic force, rests upon no other basis than that of imaginary hypothesis. To postulate any such theory of life, is going beyond the limits of experimental research and inquiry, and hence adopting an unscientific method.

On its own scale it is complete in itself, and by co-operation with thousands of others forms the atom. The atom again is a complete whole, but it must combine with other atoms to form a molecule, and so on. But if the atom be imperfect as an atom, how could it combine with other atoms?

"These pranic globes are floating in an ocean of manasa, matter in its rarest form. "Each atom of prana is formed from manasa, exactly as ether was formed from prana, and each pranic atom in the universe is the centre of a manasic molecule, having an atmosphere of manasic atoms. "So we are not exact in giving the prakritic atom three planes or octaves of vibration. It has four.

The induction balance is affected by three distinct arrangements of molecular structure in iron and steel, by means of which we have apparent external neutrality. Fig 1 shows several polar directions of the molecules as indicated by the arrows. Poisson assumed as a necessity of his theory, that a molecule is spherical; but Dr.

Brucine is a tertiary diamine, that is, formed by substitution in a double ammonia molecule. When distilled with potassium hydrate it yields quinoline, lutidine, and two isomeric collidines. The alkaloid atropine has been quite thoroughly studied with results of great interest.

For the atoms, when mutually clasped to form a molecule of water, are held together by the very attraction which first drew them towards each other. That which has really been expended is the pull exerted through the space by which the distance between the atoms has been diminished.