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Very few runaways have as much as eight pounds to make a start with: and as one could not be quite certain how my father would receive Jem's confession, I thought he might be glad of a few pounds of his own, and I knew he had spent his share of the miser's money long ago. I meant to walk to a station about seven miles distant, and there take train for Liverpool.

As he watched, the song which Dick had sung came like a monotonous, religious chant within him: They call me poor, yet I am rich In the touch of her golden hair; My heart is filled like a miser's hands With the red-gold of her hair. The only sky I ride beneath Is the dear blue of her eyes, The only heaven I desire Is the blue of her dear eyes.

Somebody has made an epigram about the vast ideas which a miser's horse must have had of corn. I doubt, if such ideas were existent, whether they were at all equal to my astonishment at a leg of mutton. I never had seen such a piece of meat before, and wondered if it were fresh or otherwise.

The blacksmith throwed his coat an' went to work like a whitehead, an' when twelve o'clock come he had the iron fence done an' a settin' around the miser's grave.

I've seen a deal of the world, Phoebe; and my experience tells me there's something about that debt of Farnaby's which he doesn't want to have known. Why shouldn't we screw a few five-pound notes for ourselves out of the rich miser's fears?" Phoebe was cautious. "It's against the law ain't it?" she said. "Trust me to keep clear of the law," Jervy answered.

Not unto land's expansion, Not to the miser's chest, Not to the princely mansion, Not to the blazoned crest, Not to the sordid worldling, Not to the knavish clown, Not to the haughty tyrant, Cometh a blessing down.

"Since the plague has raged so dreadfully, she has gone out as a nurse to the sick, and my poor son has seen nothing of her." Leonard then recollected that he had heard the woman, who called out of the miser's house, addressed as Mother Malmayns by the coffin-maker, and had no doubt that she was the sexton's wife.

Shaking hands with Monsieur Hochon, Philippe went off down the Petite-Narette to Mignonnet's house. Ten minutes later, Monsieur Hochon saw Max ride off at a quick trot; and the old miser's curiosity was so powerfully excited that he remained standing at his window, eagerly expecting to hear the wheels of the old demi-fortune, which was not long in coming.

She had stared into the rich dark shadows whence start out, spirit-like, faces of old oil pictures, faces of old clocks, faces of old marble busts; and she had been so charmed by the soft voice of the young saleswoman, whose flute-like tones would lure gold from a miser's pocket, that she would have collected half the things in the shop if she had had the money.

It was at that time that I determined to devote my child, like Samuel of old, to the service of heaven, and myself to the reformation of our degraded worship. With incessant care have I shielded my daughter from the contamination of the world. As a precious jewel in a miser's hands she has been watched and guarded in her father's house.