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But another man takes the same facts and by spiritual insight makes them mean gloriously, and he lives indeed. To suppose that mankind ever can be satisfied with existence only and can be called off from the endeavour to achieve this more abundant life, is utterly to misconceive the basic facts of human nature.

"Dis 'Streak o' Lightning," laying his hand on his own breast, that I might not misconceive the person of the warrior who bore so eminent a title; "no good lie to him know ebbery t'ing afore he ask, only ask for fun what do here, eh?" "Ve coomes to see der Injins and der beoples at der village, dat ve might sell our vatches." "Dat all; sartain? can call 'down rent, eh?"

Hallowed be the spot for ever, and Hallowed be the day September 8, 1771! Amen. By J. P. Nichol, LL.D., Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow. Those who have never seen that paper, a class of unfortunate people whom I suspect to form rather the majority in our present perverse generation, will be likely to misconceive its object.

Well, my boy, this is what I say; be, if you will, so preternaturally sour and morose as to misconceive and mislike the innocent, graceful, humanising, time-honoured usages of society; be so, for what I care, if this is all; but it isn’t all. Such misanthropy is wisdom, absolute wisdom, compared with the Titanic presumption and audacity of challenging to single combat the sovereign of the world.

"What have I yet to forgive, Madonna?" But Eveena could read my feelings in spite of my words, and knew that the pain she had given was too recent to allow me to misconceive her penitence. "I ought to say, my interference. It was your right to rule as you chose, and my meddling was a far worse offence than Eunané's malice. But it was not that you felt too deeply to reprove." "True!

Thankful I am not to think in this way now of physical law not so to misconceive man's place in Nature. I know that this sleet, so important to us, is but one small incident in the long history of the planet's atmosphere and changing surface. It is the action of natural laws, operating without regard to man, though man himself may have had a share in producing it.

For while people who have direct access can misconceive what they see, no one else can decide how they shall misconceive it, unless he can decide where they shall look, and at what. The military censorship is the simplest form of barrier, but by no means the most important, because it is known to exist, and is therefore in certain measure agreed to and discounted.

"That's not my impression of her state of mind," said Jolyon with particular calm. "And, forgive my saying, you misconceive the matter if you think reason comes into it at all." He saw his cousin's pale face grow paler he had used, without knowing it, Irene's own words. "Thanks," muttered Soames, "but I see things perhaps more plainly than you think.

They don't realise the appeal to the spiritual, and will only misconceive you and your motives, and read cowardice in your attempt to treat from a standpoint they have not reached. It is the same with certain religions, and this is the cause of much failure in mission work. Theosophy and Roman Catholicism appeal strongly to comparatively immature minds.

Peterborough at the same time despatched praises of my sobriety of behaviour and diligent studiousness, confessing that I began to outstrip him in some of the higher branches. The squire's brief reply breathed satisfaction, but too evidently on the point where he had been led to misconceive the state of affairs.