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Then he added, "If I were commissioned to draw up a new legal code, and had previously enjoyed the privilege, as I have been doing lately, of listening to the conversation of you three young ladies, I should make precisely the same classification." Even Minora was incensed at this. "You are telling us in the most unvarnished manner that we are idiots," said Irais. "Idiots? No, no, by no means.

I said nothing to Minora, but kept her with us till dinner-time, and this morning we went for a long sleigh-drive. When we came in to lunch there was no Miss Jones. "Is Miss Jones ill?" asked Minora. "She is gone," I said. "Gone?" "Did you never hear of such things as sick mothers?" asked Irais blandly; and we talked resolutely of something else. All the afternoon Minora has moped.

The voluptuous sensations caused by sexual contacts producing movements of the womb are probably normal and usual. R.L. Dickinson, "Hypertrophies of the Labia Minora and Their Significance," American Gynæcologist, September, 1902. It is perhaps noteworthy that Bergh found that in 302 cases in which the nymphæ were of unequal length, in all but 24 the left was longer.

I warmed soup in a little apparatus I have for such occasions, which helped to take the chilliness off the sandwiches, this is the only unpleasant part of a winter picnic, the clammy quality of the provisions just when you most long for something very hot. Minora let her nose very carefully out of its wrappings, took a mouthful, and covered it up quickly again.

However, there are alleviations to everything in life; and when the child was sent to the garret after her school-books, she discovered another set, more effectual teachers to her than Sallust or the "Graeca Minora," even the twelve volumes of "Sir Charles Grandison," and the fewer but no less absorbing tomes of "Clarissa Harlowe"; and every hour she could contrive not to be missed by Keery or her father was spent in that old garret, fragrant as it was with sheaves of all the herbs that grow in field or forest, poring over those old novels, that were her society, her friends, her world.

"Oh, I know, how stupid of me!" cried Minora eagerly, her pencil in mid-air and her brain clutching at the elusive recollection, "sage and, why, yes, no, yes, of course oh," disappointedly, "but that's vulgar I can't put it in." "What is vulgar?" I asked. "She thinks sage and onions is vulgar," said Irais languidly; "but it isn't, it is very good."

"I forgot to tell you that Major Keene is much addicted to play, and, besides, is intimate with the Vicomte de Châteaumesnil. Noscitur a sociis." The reverend man was an indifferent classic, but he had a way of flashing scraps out of grammars and Analecta Minora before women and others unlikely to be down upon him, as if they were quotations from some recondite author.

The Man of Wrath looked none too well pleased to be alluded to under his very nose by our new guest as "him." "Husbands are always sages," said I gravely. "Though sages are not always husbands," said Irais with equal gravity. "Sages and husbands sage and husbands " she went on musingly, "what does that remind you of, Miss Minora?"

Minora had hardly heard his voice before, so quiet had he been since she came, and sat with her pencil raised, ready to fix for ever the wisdom that should flow from his lips. "What would become of poetry if women became so sensible that they turned a deaf ear to the poetic platitudes of love? That love does indulge in platitudes I suppose you will admit." He looked at Irais.