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He was a humble, mild-voiced man, when within the palace precincts, and had so far succeeded in making his way among his brethren in the cathedral city as to be employed not unfrequently for absent minor canons in chanting the week-day services, being remunerated for his work at the rate of about two shillings and sixpence a service.

The Reverend Joshua had died, as all men must and as most men should; and a mild-voiced successor reigned in his place; so the Cummins pew was occupied once more. Samantha Ann Ripley had had her heart history too, one of a different kind.

"No," I thought, though I discreetly said nothing, "Roger Hamlin is not the man to be on friendly terms with a fellow of the second mate's calibre." And from that time on I watched Mr. Falk, the second mate, and the mild-voiced Kipping more closely than ever so closely that one night I stumbled on a surprising discovery. Ours was the middle watch, and Mr. Falk as usual was on the quarter-deck.

"No champagne for me, Harry," protested Laramie. "What are you going to have?" asked the mild-voiced bartender, perfunctorily. Laramie tilted his hat brim: "Why," he answered, after everybody had contributed advice, "if I've got to take something on this little boy, a little whisky, I suppose, Luke." "No poison served here tonight, Jim," growled Sawdy, throwing his bloodshot eyes on Laramie.

He sat there by the head of the old lady’s couch, mild-voiced and quiet, with no more self-consciousness than a very small child, and with something of a child’s charmthe appealing charm of trustfulness. Confident of the future, whose secret ways had been revealed to him within the four walls of a well-known penitentiary, he had no reason to look with suspicion upon anybody.

Everybody was gathered; dinner had been announced; and the white-haired and gouty Lord Grosville was in a state of seething impatience that not even the mild-voiced Dean of the neighboring cathedral, engaged in complimenting him on his speech at the Diocesan Conference, could restrain. "Adelina, need we wait any longer?" said the master of the house, turning an angry eye upon his wife.

Half way from the office doors to the yellow-wheeled buckboard, in the very middle of the walk, he stood and stretched out a tentatively restraining hand, just as mild-voiced, white-haired Dave had done years before.

Middler, the pastor, was a mild-voiced, softly stepping man, evidently fearing to give offense. Although he had been in the pastorate for several years, he seemed to have very little influence in the community. Elder Concannon and several other older members controlled the church and its policies utterly; and they frowned on any innovation.

It was a session extraordinary, for even Dave Shepard, the patriarch of the circle itself, could not recall an occasion when they had foregathered there in such fashion so long after the last spring snow had surrendered to summer. Yet it was largely mild-voiced Dave's doing this silent, sober gathering.

The gentle, mild-voiced artist knew his place and did not presume on terms of equality with the Princess who traced a direct pedigree to Louis the Great. He thought to wait and allow her gradually to show her quality. She tried her caustic wit upon him, and he looked at her out of mild blue eyes and made no reply.