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John Henry Banks, who entertained a box party, following a charming dinner at the New Washington. Mrs. Banks, a recent bride, was handsomely gowned in pink chiffon over messaline, and wore a unique necklace of nuggets which were gathered from her husband's mine near Iditarod, Alaska.

"We are ready," exulted Anne outside Elfreda's door half an hour later. "What did I tell you?" "So am I," replied Elfreda, opening the door. "And so is Miriam." Elfreda was looking particularly handsome in her evening gown of golden brown messaline, trimmed with dull gold embroidery.

She has for some reason set her heart upon having two Paris gowns, one for the house and one for the street, and Lydia and I, being too humane to leave her unprotected in the hands of a dressmaker who speaks no English, spent one whole afternoon amid the intricacies of broadcloth, messaline, and chiffon.

Mr. de Lara's latest production, 'Sanga' , does not seem to have sustained the promise of 'Messaline. Another composer whom necessity has driven to ally his music to a foreign libretto is Mr. Herbert Bunning, whose opera 'La Princesse Osra' was produced at Covent Garden in 1902. Mr.

An hour later, Pearl Watson, in her best dress of brown silk, with her high brown boots well polished, and her small brown hat, made by herself, with a band of crushed burnt orange poppies around the crown, safely anchored and softened by a messaline drape; with her hair drawn over the tops of her ears, and a smart fawn summer coat, with buttons which showed a spot of red like a pigeon-blood ruby.

What a baby you are!" said the disgusting Messaline; "are you such a novice?" "No, madam; but...." "But what?" "I have...." "Oh, the villain!" she exclaimed, loosing her hold; "what was I going to expose myself to!" I availed myself of the opportunity, snatched my hat, and took to my heels, afraid lest the door-keeper should stop me.

What a baby you are!" said the disgusting Messaline; "are you such a novice?" "No, madam; but...." "But what?" "I have...." "Oh, the villain!" she exclaimed, loosing her hold; "what was I going to expose myself to!" I availed myself of the opportunity, snatched my hat, and took to my heels, afraid lest the door-keeper should stop me.

The thing that has got to keep us afloat until full skirts come in again will be a full and complete line of women's satin messaline knickerbockers made up to match any suit or gown, and a full line of pajamas for women and girls. Get the idea? Scant, smart, trim little taupe-gray messaline knickers for a taupe gray suit, blue messaline for blue suits, brown messaline for brown "

And there emerged from the inner room a trim, lithe, almost boyishly slim figure attired in a bewitchingly skittish-looking garment consisting of knickerbockers and snug brassiere of king's blue satin messaline. Dainty black silk stockings and tiny buckled slippers set off the whole effect. "Miss La Noyes," said Emma McChesney, almost solemnly, "this is Mr. T. A. Buck, president of the firm.

I could write a book on the Decline and Fall of the Petticoat, beginning with the billowy white muslin variety, and working up to the present slinky messaline affair.