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A minute before the time he burst in upon McFadden and demanded the drawings. They were handed to him. He held his breath as his eye went down the column of figures. Then he gasped and staggered weakly out of the room. The policy sharks had triumphed again. Sam walked the streets until nine o'clock that night. He was afraid to go home to Polly.

Jones, who had displaced Biggs and was in command of the rebel Army of the Center. Sherwood's army moved in three columns from and about Chatteraugus Scovens on the left, Papson in the center, and McFadden on the right. Papson moved directly against Turner's Hill, and McFadden, by way of Gadden's Mill, to and through Snake Gap, against Sarco.

To the amazement of the clerk, he turned out a pocketful of small coin on the table and played it all in "gigs," "straddles and combinations." "I'll call on you about ha' pas' fou', Mr. McFadden," he announced exultantly as he went out. "Faith, sor," said McFadden to his colleague, "if that nagur does ketch it he'll break us, sure." Sam could hardly wait for half-past four.

The chairman of the Legislative Committee was Miss Mary McFadden, who carried out a demonstration on Susan B. Anthony's birthday February 15 the presenting by large delegations from the Twin Cities of a Memorial to a joint gathering of the two Houses with pleas for a State amendment.

The hunt of a "rustler" appealed to them as a circus does to a small boy, as the prospect of a football game does to a college student. Meanwhile, McFadden had been thinking. One could always tell when this process was taking place with the Scotchman, from his habit of tapping his chest with his middle finger as though beating time to the movement of his mental machinery.

He was followed by a Home Ruler, Father McFadden, whose speech, being simply anti-British rant from end to end, must have cost many votes; and I was not surprised when, a day or two afterward, his bishop recalled him to Ireland. Very pleasing to me were sundry excursions. At Rugby I was intensely interested in the scenes of Arnold's activity.

"During this time Sherwood moved out, McFadden on the extreme right, Scovens in the center, and Papson on the left. About six miles on the road leading to the crossing of the Chatham River Papson encountered the enemy and passed the compliments of the Fourth of July with them, firing his artillery loaded with shell into their lines.

McFadden had reached De Kalb and there connected with Scovens, who had extended near to the Howland House. Papson was not so far advanced, leaving quite a distance between him and Scovens. "As Papson lay at Crab Apple Run, the men carelessly taking their rest in fancied security, they were furiously attacked by Head's Corps.

They're willin, them chaps in New York, to receive all the Funs you'll send 'em. You send a puss tonight to Mahony, and another puss to Roberts. Both will receive 'em. You bet. And with other pusses it will be sim'lar. "I went into Mr. Delmonico's eatin-house the other night, and I saw my fren Mr. Terence McFadden, who is a elekent and enterprisin deputy Centre.

I was out there to-day to a burying. Grass is coming up charming on your lot, and I noticed a blackberry bush growing out of Mr. Smyth's grave. He was fond of 'em, I reckon. There they were lying, Smith and Smyth, and McFadden and the other Smyth, all four of them.