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His person escaped violence, for he happened to be in England at the time engaged in the vain task of trying to effect an accommodation between Charles I. and the English parliament. He never returned to his see and died in London. Ussher's collected works fill seventeen stately volumes. His magnum opus is undoubtedly the Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti.

Certainly if miracles be the command over nature, they appear most in adversity. Vere magnum habere fragilitatem hominis, securitatem Dei. This would have done better in poesy, where transcendences are more allowed. But to speak in a mean. The virtue of prosperity, is temperance; the virtue of adversity, is fortitude; which in morals is the more heroical virtue.

Colebrooke records his debt to Carey for carrying through the Serampore press the Sanskrit dictionary of Amara Sinha, the oldest native lexicographer, with an English interpretation and annotations. But the magnum opus of Carey was what in 1811 he described as A Universal Dictionary of the Oriental Languages, derived from the Sanskrit, of which that language is to be the groundwork.

I tell you fellows, I truly believe we'll have that wretched document in our hands by this time to-morrow." "The day I see it in ashes," Bardsley muttered, "I'll stand you fellows a magnum of Pommery '92." "I wonder," Weiss remarked, "what sort of terms she is on with her cousin, the little girl with the big eyes." "I wish to Heaven one of you could make friends with that child!"

In 1825 he commenced a careful re-examination of the numerous nebulae and starry clusters which had been discovered by his father, and described in the "Philosophical Transactions," fixing their positions and investigating their aspects. He devoted eight years to this magnum opus, completing it in 1832.

It is so much a pity! You have, the youth, the strength, the knowledge! You could so far go! But you must learn the dictation; the great book, the magnum opus, it is there. Cheer up, my boy! Work, much work! That is what will cure your sick courage even if it cannot cure your sick eyes. Now, while we have the sight see the bone this curve clearly indicates to me "

But all these activities and productions were more or less side issues, or preparations for a magnum opus, or rather magna opera. From his youth we can trace the evident purpose, not finally completed until toward the end of his brilliant and useful career, the purpose to harmonize Judaism with philosophy, to reconcile the Bible and Talmud with Aristotle.

Have you ever become gradually accustomed to its monotony, and inured to its solitude; and, just at the time when you have half-forgotten the great world that mare magnum that frets and roars in the distance have you ever received in your calm retreat some visitor, full of the busy and excited life which you imagined yourself contented to relinquish?

The following year , he published the present work his magnum opus which has secured him a place among the greatest names in Welsh Literature.

'I was right, muttered Nicholas as the paper fell from his hand. 'And it was the man I supposed. 'As there was a proper objection to drinking her in heel-taps, said the voice, 'we'll give her the first glass in the new magnum. Little Kate Nickleby! 'Little Kate Nickleby, cried the other three. And the glasses were set down empty.