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But mostly they carried the story of a little girl, who had been whisked from sight and couldn't be located. Who had probably been given an operation to make it possible for her to walk, but had been forced to pay for the operation by taking part in a cruel hoax of unbelievable magnitude. Bill Howard stayed with the network, on the same time, sponsorless.

He asked pardon even for the supposition. The Slave-trade was an evil of such magnitude, that there must be a common wish in the committee at once to put an end to it, if there were no great and serious obstacles. It was a trade, by which multitudes of unoffending nations were deprived of the blessings of civilization, and had their peace and happiness invaded.

In order that the reader may grasp an adequate idea of the magnitude and importance of Edison's invention of the incandescent lamp, it will be necessary to review briefly the "state of the art" at the time he began his experiments on that line.

To this great man Franklin had failed to gain access, not so much from the minister's disdain of the colonial agent, as from his engrossing cares and duties. He had no time, indeed, for anybody, not even the peers of the realm, no time for pleasure or relaxation, being devoted entirely to public interests of the greatest magnitude; for on his shoulders rested the government of the kingdom.

It is 'futile, 'ill-advised, 'intrinsically insane, 'unpractical, 'visionary. He has rounded off the adjectives by describing the movement as 'most foolish of all foolish schemes. His Excellency has become so impatient of it that he has used all his vocabulary for showing the magnitude of the ridiculous nature of non-co-operation.

Jeanie, crying softly in her corner, made desperate attempts to control herself under the awful look that was at this point concentrated upon her. After a pause the Vicar proceeded, with a spiteful glance at Avery. "It is my intention to impose a holiday-task of sufficient magnitude to keep you all out of mischief during the rest of the holidays.

Had that fact been disclosed in the chief inspector's report then the publicity attending the report would undoubtedly have been differently aligned ... the news blackout imposed by the chief executive was very successful. It was not until the hearings of this Commission that the real magnitude of the mistake by Flight Operations was publicly revealed."

To appreciate the full magnitude of this stroke, consider these other figures: the annual expenses of a national government amount to the equivalent of a contribution of three days' average wages of every individual of the population, counting every individual as if he were a man.

"Do you mean all this for me?" asked Frank, quite overwhelmed by the magnitude of the gift. "It is not more than you deserve. I might have given you the money value of the bond; but I give it to you in this shape, because I hope you will keep it as an investment. It will yield you six dollars interest annually in gold. I hope the time will come when you will have more interest in the same way."

Not content with this harsh and unjustifiable repudiation of the so-called menacing and heretical doctrines of the adherents of the Bahá’í Faith, they proceed in a formal manner to declare in the text of that very decision their belief, that the Bahá’í Faith is a “new religion,” “entirely independentand, by reason of the magnitude of its claim and the character of itslaws, principles and beliefs,” worthy to be reckoned as one of the established religious systems of the world.