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So then the Noord Brabant stood away again on her course, and Harry Laurance lay awake all his watch below, thinking sadly of his friend and of the dreadful shock which awaited the young wife in Sydney. But Tom Masters did not drown.

General Laurance was infatuated by my beauty, which has been as fatal to his house as his name to me. Like many handsome old men, he was inordinately vain, and imagined himself irresistible; and when he persecuted me with attentions that might have compromised a woman less prudent and prudish than I bore myself, I determined to force him to an offer of his hand, to marry him."

As if utterly weary and indifferent, she leaned back, nestling her head against the cushions of the carriage; and looking eagerly, almost hungrily at her, General Laurance silently registered a vow, that the world should soon know her no more as the Queen of Tragedy, that ere long the only kingdom over which she reigned should be restricted to the confines of his own heart and life.

Palma to the United States, and late in the following autumn Mrs. Laurance and Regina sailed for New York.

"She must certainly recognize her countrymen, for that splendid passage seemed almost thrown to us, as a tribute to our nationality. What a wonderful voice! And yet she is so tender, so fragile," said the minister. "Did you observe how pale she grew toward the last, and so hollow-eyed, as if utterly worn out in the passionate struggle?" asked Mrs. Laurance.

"At last, with an earnest protest, the conscientious man consented, and standing before him that sunny morning, in the presence of God, and of grandmother and Mr. Audré, Cuthbert Laurance and Minnie Merle were solemnly married!

With a sharp cry Regina sprang up. "Mother, not him! Not my father's father!" "Yes, René Laurance, my husband's father." With a gesture of horror the girl groaned and covered her white convulsed face. "Mother! Could my mother commit such a loathsome, awful crime against God, and nature?" "It was for your sake, my darling!" cried Mrs.

General Laurance loosened the curtain next the audience, and as the folds swept down, concealing somewhat the figure of his son, he whispered: "What do you mean? Are you drunk, or mad?" Cuthbert grasped his father's hand, and murmured: "Don't you know the college? That is Minnie yonder!" "Minnie? My son, what ails you? Go home, you are ill."

After a sleepless night, Cuthbert Laurance sat in dressing gown and slippers before the table, on which was arranged his breakfast. In his right hand he held, partly lifted, the cup of coffee; upon the left he rested his head, seeming abstracted, oblivious of the dainty dishes that invited his attention.

Her mother made a step forward to snatch her back, but at sight of his tears, of the close embrace in which he held her, the wife turned away, unable to look upon the spectacle and preserve her composure. A heavy fall startled all present, and a glance showed them General Laurance lying insensible on the carpet.