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When the seeding was completed Billie worked with Harris and together they ran a level over the seeded ground, marking out the laterals on grade across the fields from points where they would tap the main feed ditches and carry water to the crops. Russ and Tiny followed the lines of stakes which marked their readings of the level, throwing a plow furrow each way.

There is a great difference of opinion here regarding the pruning of three-year or older apple trees. Many people cut back three, four and five-year-old trees half the season's growth; others only cut back six inches. Apple trees are cut back during their early life to cause branching and to secure short distances between the larger laterals on the main branches.

Leave the laterals on the canes intended for next years' fruiting to grow unchecked, tying them neatly with bass, or pawpaw bark, or with rye straw. This is about all that is necessary for this summer, except an occasional tying up of a fruiting branch, should its burden become more than it can bear.

Besides, "a stitch in time saves nine," and he can save an incredible amount of labor by doing everything at the proper time. In a short time, the laterals on the fruit-bearing branches which have been pinched will throw out suckers again. These are stopped again, leaving one leaf of the young growth.

Centrals At birth 2 6 At birth 1 8 At birth, 12 or 3-4 weeks First 4-6 wks. 3 6 At birth 2 9 8-12 wks. 18 laterals Second 5-12 days 3 6 laterals Corners 6-9 mos. 4 6 12-18 days 4 6 At birth 9 Molars: First At birth 2 6 At birth 2 6 7 weeks 5 Second At birth 2 6 At birth 1 6 8-28 days 14 Third At birth 3 6 At birth 3 8-28 days 13 Fourth 10-12 1 6 13 Fifth 2 2 5 Sixth 4-5 2 6 9 Seventh 18 Canines or 4-5 9 tusks

But suppose Mr. Brown uses the water? Suppose there is none left to turn back into the creek channel when he is through? He has a large force of men at work running laterals from the main ditch, which carries the water up and over the high land, and I took the liberty of following his lines of stakes.

With mathematical accuracy it was divided into squares, oblongs, and narrow strips, which displayed sharply the thousand hues of green of a truck garden. Gow Yum and Chan Chi, under enormous Chinese grass hats, were planting green onions. Old Hughie, hoe in hand, plodded along the main artery of running water, opening certain laterals, closing others.

On these we intend to grow our fruit the coming season, as the buds on these laterals will generally produce more and finer fruit than the buds on the strong canes. This is done as described before; only, as the vine will make a much stronger growth this season than the first, the layering maybe done in June, as soon as the young shoots are strong enough.

"Abe," said the Seer, "our intake would go in right here. We could follow the old channel of Dry River with our canal about twenty miles out, put in a heading and lead off our mains and laterals." For two or three hours they discussed plans and estimates, then the engineer shut his note-book with a snap.

A telephone-box is admirably constructed for the private examination of documents if one's back is towards the door and one is bent over the directory. Line by line Foyle traced "laterals," "lakes," and "accidentals," calling to his aid a magnifying glass from his waistcoat pocket. When he emerged he was rubbing his chin vigorously. The prints were totally different.