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Updated: August 8, 2024

I have spent many days and nights with these young gentlemen, at Heidelberg, at Leipsic, at Marburg, at Bonn, and been made one of them in their jollity and good-fellowship, and I have agreed, and still agree, that "Wir sind die Könige der Welt, wir sind's durch unsere Freude." They are by no means the swashbuckling, bullying, dissolute companions painted by those who know nothing about them.

The hotel has this name in three languages, English, French, and German, as people speaking those several languages come, in almost equal numbers, to Switzerland. Thus when you leave the station you may, in your directions to the coachman, say you wish to go to the Three Kings, or to the Trois Rois, or to the Drei Könige, whichever you please. They all mean the same hotel the best hotel in Basle.

At Basle, then, either at the "Storch" or at the "Drei Konige," as you prefer. I hope that by that time you will have received your passport, and we can then at once concoct our journey to Paris. Answer "Yes" without fail, and do not mind the somewhat tedious journey from Zurich to Basle.

Here are the volumes of Dahn's Die Konige der Germanen: who would not like to know all he can about the Teutonic conquerors of Rome? And so on, and so on. To the end I shall be reading and forgetting. Ah, that's the worst of it! Had I at command all the knowledge I have at any time possessed, I might call myself a learned man.

Let it be the "Drei Konige;" they have nice rooms there and a balcony looking over the Rhine; let us engage some of those. You are once more in the middle of your exertions, and I must almost envy you; I at least realize by such exertions alone that I am alive.

"Come, come," says I in German, "let the gentleman go his way; he is my own countryman." This was true enough for them; and you should have seen the Highlander's eyes flash, and grow dim again. I took his arm, for Potzdorff will expect me to know all about the stranger, and marched him down to the Drei Konige. "I am your host, sir; what do you call for, Mr.

A circumstantial account of the settlement and of the affairs of these emigrants is given in a work which bears this title, "Ausfürliche Nacrichten von den Salzburgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben, worinnen die Riesediaria des konige. Grossbritannischen Commissarii und der beyden Salzburgischen Prediger, wie auch eine Beschreibung von Georgien enthalten.

At Berlin, at Count Redern's, I heard a few pieces from "Lohengrin" splendidly executed by several regimental bands, and was reminded of our pompous entry into the "Drei Konige" of Basle: Our new Weymar Union has adopted the entry of the trumpets as its "Hoch," and I wish we could sing it to you in chorus soon. Of my concert affairs, etc., I have nothing to tell you.

Die Anbetung der Weisen aus dem Morgenland. Die heiligen drei Könige. Jan. 6. This, the most extraordinary incident in the early life of our Saviour, rests on the authority of one evangelist only. It is related by St. Matthew so briefly, as to present many historical and philosophical difficulties.

However, he abandoned this design when they pointed out to him at the Herald's office that the crest would be rather overladen thereby, and at the same time would betray too plainly the "newly-baked" aristocrat. Paul left nothing undone. He provided himself with a motto. The incorrigible Mayboom recommended, "The Moor has done his duty." Paul decided on "Meinem Konige treu" True to my king.

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