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And next, above the chorus of joyous whooping might be heard individual comments, each shrieked out shrilly and each punctuated by a sneeze from Mr. Leary's convulsed frame; or lacking that by a simulated sneeze from one of the revellers one with a fine humorous flare for mimicry. And these comments were, for example, such as: "Git onto the socks!" "Ker-chew!" "And the slippers!" "Ker-chew!"

Just at that moment the unluckiest that could have been selected he was seized with a strong inclination to sneeze. Alarmed lest the sound should betray him, he made desperate efforts to suppress it but Nature would have its way, and probably did so with greater violence than if no resistance had been made. "Ker-chew!" sneezed Herbert, violently.

The brook in silence finds its way From shadows deep to perfect day. The wind is dead, there is no breeze " "To make a fellow cough and sneeze!" murmured Tom, and gave a loud ker-chew! that set all the girls to laughing. "That isn't right!" declared Songbird half angrily. "There is no sneeze in this poem," "Oh, excuse me. I only thought I'd help you out," answered Tom soberly.

Those who have tried this under similar circumstances know the futility of such attempts; know the accumulated fury of sound with which at length bursts forth the startling, terrible and irrepressible "Ker-CHEW!" McTurpin and his two companions wheeled like lightning. "Who's this?" the gambler snarled. He took a step toward the Bruiser. "Who the devil let him in to spy on us?"

"And them lovely pink garters!" "Ker-chew!" "Oh, you cutey! Oh, you cut-up!" "Ker-chew!" "Oh, you candy kid!" "And say, git onto the cunnin' elbow sleeves our little playmate's sportin'." "Yes, but goils, just pipe the poilies ain't they the greatest ever?" "They sure are. Say, kiddo, gimme one of 'em to remember you by, won't you? You'll never miss it you got a-plenty more."