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And the same might have been said of Carolan, the Irish bard, who lived in poetry and died in whisky. The soul sleeping or dreaming away to God suggested an inquiry into the Gipsy idea of the nature of spirits. Can everybody see them, I wonder?" "Avo, rya, avo. Every mush can dick mullos if it's their cammoben to be dickdus. But 'dusta critters can dick mullos whether the mullos kaum it or kek.

So they bitchered her for shurabun. I've got kek gry and can't lel no wongur to kin kek. My kamli chavi, if you could bitch me a few bars it would be cammoben. I rikkers my covvas apre mi dumo kenna.

Four pairs of elemental gods were worshipped at Hermopolis, each pair male and female; Heh, Eternity; Kek, Darkness; Nu, the heavenly ocean; Nenu, the Inundation. They are shown as human figures with the heads of frogs and serpents. There were also personifications of Seeing, Hearing, Taste, Perception, Strength, and the 'true voice' necessary to intone the magic formulae.

Wishing to have the exact words and views of a real Rommany on this subject, I made inquiry, and noted down his reply, which was literally as follows: "Avali; when Rommany chals or juvos are mullos, their pals don't kaum to shoon their navs pauli it kairs 'em too bongo so they're purabend to waver navs. Saw don't kair it kek but posh do, kenna.

Not more than seven feet of space divided us from that shrieking sea of foes into which we poured bullets at hazard, for there was no need to aim, as fast as the guns could be loaded. Suddenly I heard the girl call out: "Kek, tante, da is een swartzel!" I looked, and just at my side I saw a great savage who had forced his way through the thorns and crawled beneath the waggon into the laager.

Cohn at Mr. Simon's home in Mill Valley. If Mr. B. Cohn or Cohen confirmed Mr. Kek's story he, the said Herman Joost, would be at the store sometime before nine o'clock, and if Mr. Kek cared to, he might await him there. Mr. Kek said he would be delighted to wait for him there. At nine-fifteen Herman Joost appeared on the scene.

An' dovo sus kerro pash Bo-Peep a boro puvius adree bori chumures, pash Hastings in Sussex. When 'mugglers nasher an' Rommany chals latch, there's kek worser cammoben for it.

You needn't be afraid of me I'm the nicest gentleman you ever saw in all your life, and I can talk Rommany as fast as ever you ran away from a policeman." "What language is the gentleman talking?" cried the old dame, but laughing heartily as she spoke. "Oh dye miri dye, Don't tute jin a Rommany rye? Can't tu rakker Rommany jib, Tachipen and kek fib?"

"I am your husband, but you would have killed me if I had taken a kiss from your lips, sealed to me by all our tribes and by your father and mine." "My lips are my own, my life is my own, and when I marry, I shall marry a man of my own choosing, and he will not be a Romany," she replied with a look of resolution which her beating heart belied. "I'm not a pedlar's basket." "'Kek!

And then we toves the wendror well Till sore the wendror iuziou se, Till kekkeno drab's adrey lis, Till drab there's kek adrey lis. And then his truppo well we hatch, Kin levinor at the kitchema, And have a kosko habben, A kosko Romano habben. The boshom engro kils, he kils, The tawnie juva gils, she gils A puro Romano gillie, Now shoon the Romano gillie.