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This information alarmed the garrison at Winfield Scott, and the men at once received orders to man the guns. Then they waited breathlessly to see what would happen next. An inquiry sent by wireless to the other stations remained unanswered, because these were already in the hands of the Japanese, whose operators were not quick-witted enough to send back a reassuring answer.

The matrices of thought became so fixed and the Japanese language has been so moulded, that even now, despite the intense and prolonged efforts of thirty years of acute and laborious scholarship, it is impossible, as we have said, to find English equivalents for terms which were used for a century or two past in every-day Japanese speech.

We are taking rugs to spread on the grass, and Japanese lanterns to make it look festive, and not a single servant, so that we shall do everything ourselves. We girls are all delighted, but I think the men Captain Grantly especially think it's rather mad to go to so much trouble when you might have your dinner comfortably at home.

I want to see Russia win, and I think our government ought to send to them all the embalmed beef we had left from the war with Spain, but if we did you monkey Japanese would capture it, and have a military funeral over it, and go on eating fish and rice.

Someone struck a match to light a cigar, and in the sudden light Orme found himself looking into the face of the Japanese minister. "I think I have never met you before," said the minister slowly. "I think not," replied Orme. He was much disquieted by the encounter. Now he understood that Arima had been bound for this very place. If only he had refused to let Bessie drag him into her circle!

Happily the missionaries have not succeeded as yet in teaching the Japanese to make religion a dismal thing. These gods smile for ever: if you find one who frowns, like Fudo, the frown seems but half in earnest; it is only Emma, the Lord of Death, who somewhat appals.

That in itself was no insignificant task, for during the five centuries that separated the Gen-Hei struggle from the establishment of the Tokugawa family, Japanese books had shared the destruction that overtook everything in this period of wasting warfare, and the Japanese language itself had undergone such change that to read and understand ancient books, like the Kojiki and the Manyo-shu, demanded a special course of study.

Now that the Japanese have been so largely relieved from the incubus of the older social order, the question rises whether they are showing powers of originality. The answer is not doubtful, for they have already made several important discoveries and inventions. The Murata rifle, with which the army is equipped, is the invention of a Japanese.

Kamanako thoughtfully counted that number on his fingers. "It is not too many," replied the Japanese. "What do you pay, honorable Captain?" "Forty dollars, and found." "I will accept, honorable Captain." "Are you sure that you can cook well enough for hungry sailors?" "I am satisfied that I can cook for anyone, honorable Captain," rejoined the little brown man, rather proudly.

China shall engage Japanese educational experts as educational advisers and extensively establish schools in different parts of the country to teach Japanese so as to raise the educational standard of the country.